Chapter 59

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Justin bit the inside of his cheeks to try and stay calm, the last thing that he wanted to do right now was cause a scene, but the thing he wanted to do the most was get Jess away from Bryce. He began to weigh up his options and decided what he should do, slamming his hands in the table as he came to a conclusion, "Fuck it. Let's go" Justin says angrily and gets out of the chair. He storms toward the door, expecting that Jess would follow after him like he had told her too and like she had usually done, but when he noticed Jess wasn't following him he went back and grabbed her arm and yanked her out of bryces lap "Jess come on I said let's go" Justin growls

She lets out a little squeal then yells "what the fuck Justin" as he pulls her out of the door.  The teens around the table send each other a look before everyone stands up quickly to go follow them.

Alex on the other hand was just sitting there in a daze, her mind was clearly somewhere else as she missed everything that was going on around her. Zach noticed that she was in a daze and softly grabbed her wrist before he quickly pulled her out along with the rest of them

Bryce leads the group of teens following the couple while Zach and Alex stay towards the back a bit. They hear Jess yelling so Bryce decides to say "buddy calm down"

"Stay the fuck away from her. And stay away from Lexi too" Justin growls as he shakes, anger beginning to consume him. As he looked at Bryce, he couldn't see his brother anymore, all he saw was a boy he had know his whole life, a boy who had assaulted his girlfriend... and he let him do it because he was scared

Alex doesn't say anything, her mind still blank as she finally snapped out of it. Jess yells "what the fuck is your problem Justin"

"Guys this does not need to happen" Zach says and steps forward, Lexi looks up at him and her eyes widen. He knew. He had known the whole time, and yet he still let her hang out with Bryce, and had still let Jess hang out with Bryce. Alex rips her wrist out of his grasp, making him look at her.

When he sees the horrified look on her face, his heart sinks to the bottom of his chest. Lexis look of horror turned to pure rage and disgust, out of all the boys. He was the last one that she expected to keep this from her, she trusted him more than anyone else. "You knew?" She choked out, her bottom lip quivering

"No you know what maybe it does need to happen" Alex says as he looks over at Lexi and then back to Jess. Alex begins to step closer toward them while Lexi, Montgomery and the others stay back.

Alex walked away from Zach and over to Montgomery. Montgomery wrapped his arms around the girl gently swinging her side to side as he watched the scene in front of them, his eyes dangerously flickering between Justin and Bryce.

"What the fuck are you doing here? What are you doing here with him?" Justin says in sadness as well as anger as he looks at his girlfriend

"We're just having fun" Jess replies, tears building up in the bottom of her eyes. Alexandra could tell how broken the two of them were just by looking at them.

They were just like she was. Broken and probably never to be fixed. They could hide it all they wanted and they may feel like their getting better but deep down they are still broken

"Why the fuck are you here with Bryce"
Justin asks again, his voice getting louder and louder with each word as he slowly began to lose his mind

"Why do you care" Jess asks angrily, she wanted to know the truth... but deep down. She knew, hell, she had known deep down ever since she heard the tapes. She wanted to believe that it wasn't true, but why would a dead girl lie? Why would Hannah lie to her? But that's just it isn't it? She wouldn't. Not to Jess, after everything that happened between them, they still wouldn't of lied to each other, not about something like this, "tell me"

"Tell her Justin" Alex says, giving him a look that told Justin that if he didn't tell Jess now, then Alex would.

"Alex" Zach scolds, he didn't want this to happen, not right now at least, and not in front of all of these people.

"Come on" Justin says and tries to pull Jess away again, also knowing that this wasn't the right place to do this. He was going to tell her everything, but they had to get out of here first

"No tell me why you care" Jess pleads. Lexi looked between them, sadness rocking through her body as she goes to comfort both of them but she couldn't move her feet

"Let's go" Justin pleads, his tone full of desperation as he looked over at his girlfriend, "please let's just go Jess," he said, lowering his voice to try and calm both of them down

"Tell me why you fucking care!" Jess yells angrily. She wanted him to say it. She had to hear him say it.

"Because he fucking raped you" Justin yells angrily. Jess felt her whole world stop around her as she heard those words, the words that were now bouncing against the walls of her brain. Her look went cold as she felt her heart shatter, she turned to look at him fully,  neither of them say anything as they stare at each other

"Justin brother" Bryce says and steps toward them but Justin angrily pushes him back

"I'm not your fucking brother" Justin yells and points to Lexi "the only person who I see as my sibling is that girl right there"

Zach gets between Bryce and Justin as they push each other back and forth

"I should fucking kill you, you son of a bitch" justin growls angrily. The other jocks step in and grab Justin while Montgomery let's go of Alex and holds back Bryce.

Alex looked at Montgomery In shock, how could he defend a rapist?

What if it was her that got raped?
Would he care?

Justin struggles in the boys grip and continues to tell them to let him go while Bryce calmly tells Monty to let him go

Once both of the boys were released Jess walks up to Justin with tears in her eyes, "I fucking hate you" she cries and sends a slap right to his face and Alex couldn't blame her. Usually, she would have reacted but all she could do was stare at Justin with a cold, disgusted, disappointed look.

He was Jessica's boyfriend and he should have protected her. Jess walks off and all Justin could do was stare at Alex as she looked at him. He wanted to go after Jess, but he knew not to. She didn't want to be anywhere near him right now.

Bryce walks up to Justin and asks "what the fuck did you just do?" And then walks off into his house silently while everyone just stared at Justin

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