Chapter 44

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Alexandra laughed as Montgomery pulled her down onto the couch that had way too many people on it

She was squished between Montgomery
and Jeff, the two boys enjoying the feeling that was bubbling in their chest as they felt the girls warm skin against theirs as they were cramped on the small piece of furniture

"Hey Jeffy what's up?" Alex said loudly so that he could hear her over the music that was blaring loudly from various speakers around the house

He looked down at what she was wearing
and smiled "you look really beautiful
tonight" he told her, though he always thought that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen no matter what she was wearing

"Thanks Jeff. Sherry helped me pick it out"
Alex smiles and ran her hands over her
ripped black jeans that were topped off with
a cropped band tee and dark green converse

"Let's play suck and blow" Bryce called out
loudly and put the card on his lips and held it
there and then leaned towards the next
person and she copied his actions

"Don't mess it up like usual Montgomery I
hate losing this game" Alex says and smiles
at him and then kisses his cheek

Jeff gets the card and then presses it against
Alex's lips and for him everything went in
slow motion as he felt like nothing could go
wrong, it was like it was just the two of them in the room, he imagined that the card wasn't between their lips, and instead it was just his lips against her lips.

But it all stopped as Alex pulled away and turned her head and passed the card onto Montys lips

and the world speed up again for Jeff as he
looked down with flushed cheeks, begging internally that nobody could tell how he was feeling now and would just brush the pink in his cheeks off as to be a symptom of the alcohol that he had consumed that night

Jess and Justin come stumbling over suddenly, their giggling echoing through the room loudly, the two of them were absolutely pissed, Alex was sure that they had been the most drunk at that party

"Wait wait I wanna play. Scoot over clay"
Jessica laughs and then her and Justin both
sit on the couch and Jess starts talking to
clay, surprising the boy who just nodded his head along with what she was saying, be doubted that she even knew what she was saying and he was certain that she wouldn't remember what it was that she was saying tomorrow when she woke up with the headache of the century

"Hey you guys playing or what" Sherry

"Yes" Justin laughs and sherry gets the card
and then presses it against Justin's lips with
her own and Justin goes to give it to Jessica
but then they drop it and start making out


Alexandra led Montgomery to her bed and pulled her covers back before she tucked him in, kissing him softly on the forehead

She moved away and sat at the end of the bed and moved the bottom of the blankets up so she could take off his shoes and then covers his feet back over as she tried to get the car ride out of her mind

The car ride home was silent and now that they were in the room, nothing had
changed about that. He just stared at her
while she looked down at her hands while she
fiddled with her fingers

"I'm sorry" he finally mumbled but she didn't
look at him "look at me" he demanded

She didn't move nor did she make a sound, it was as if she hadn't heard him, but both of them knew that she had.

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