Chapter 14

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She didn't say anything to him, she didn't look at him. Instead she looked at the floor, flinching at every word and trying not to cry. She wasn't scared of Montgomery of course, she knew he would never hurt her... she was just scared in general.

At her increasing silence, Montgomery becomes impatient and steps towards her, grabbing her chin in his hand and forcing her to look at him, his grip was stronger than before, but not strong enough to hurt her. Close. But not quite there.

She looks away from him and it finally clicks in his head, "Is he still hitting you? You told me that he fucking stopped. You told me that he stopped hurting you! You promised! Why didn't you tell me," Montgomery said angrily.

"It's okay, I'm fine. It's not that bad," She tried to assure him, but both of them knew that the words that just left her mouth were complete bullshit.

"You don't think that its that bad? Look at yourself! Alexandra, this is serious! Why did you lie to me?" He asked her in worry and frustration, he wasn't exactly frustrated with her, more with the situation and the fact she hadn't told him.

"I didn't want you to have to worry about me... I didn't want to be a burden," she choked out softly, still not being able to look him in the eyes as she told him this

"You idiot," he seethed as tears began to fall down his face, "you could never be a fucking burden okay? I don't care about anything or anyone except for you. You are all that matters to me and its my job to fucking protect you okay, when shit like this happens, you tell me and I'll take care of it. You don't deserve this shit okay? You deserve the world, and I know I cant give that to you, but ill at least try and make it less shitty. You mean everything to me," he said to her, calming down slowly as the words left his mouth and he tried to focus on her

"I'm sorry," she whispered out to him

"Promise me that you will tell me next time he hurts you." Montgomery looked her in the eyes as she nodded her head, but that wasn't enough, "Promise me Alexandra."

"I promise Monty," she whispered to him softly and nodded her head and closed her eyes softly as he came forwards and loosened his grip on her chin and placed a soft kiss on her head

"Good girl." He told her softly and she felt her stomach do a few flips. Montgomery got onto his knees in front of her and ran his fingers softly over her skin before placing soft kisses over all of her bruises, allowing his lips to linger for a few seconds on each bruise before moving onto the next. He held her body in her hands like she was a delicate rose, softly rubbing circles into her skin with his thumbs.

"come on kitten, lets get into the shower and get you all cleaned up so we can go to bed," Montgomery whispered to her as he stood up and placed a delicate kiss on the side of her head and then pulled his clothes off his body as quickly as he could so that he could help her get into the shower.

He got in and stood closest to the water and turned it on, keeping her out of the water until it was the right temperature, not wanting her to get burned or get cold. When the water was at the right temperature he carefully wrapped his arms around her and pulled her under the water, allowing her hair and her body to become completely wet.

He grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and gently ran it through her hair before massaging both of them into her hair as she sat there in silence, a few occasional sniffles falling from her lips. He concerntraited as he washed her hair, she stared up at him as he made sure not to miss any of her hair as he gently massaged her scalp.

Next he washed hers and his own body with the body soap that was in there before helping her out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her and drying her off, telling her to just let him do everything. He massaged her head with the towel as he dried it the best he could before quickly drying himself.

When the two of them were dry he grabbed the boxers and shirt that he had pulled out for her and helped her into them and then pulled on a pair of boxers, occasionally giving her kisses as he did so.

Finally, he picked up in his arms and then carried her over to the bed and laid her down, laying himself next to her and pulling the covers over both of their bodies. A content sigh fell from her lips and she moved as close to him as possible and laid her head on his bare chest and throwing her arm over him while entangling their legs.

Montgomery wrapped his arms around her and pulled her as close to him as he possibly could, craving the feeling of her skin against his own. Finally, the girl spoke up, "thank you for always being there for me Monty," she mumbled softly into his chest

"Of course Kitten, im always going to be there for you. Its me and you okay?" he whispered to her softly, "forever and always."

"Forever and always," she whispered back to him softly and then closed her eyes, listening to the soft pounding of his heartbeat in his chest.

Alexandra rolled her eyes and let out a scoff at Bryce as he said another stupid thing as the group of them walked down the stairs of liberty high and into the main hall of the High school which was currently packed to the brim with loud teenagers.

"there he is! Jensen!" Bryce calls out loudly as soon as he spotted the lanky boy in the hallway who was minding his own business, they noticed that Alex was also walking with him, which was odd since they never saw the two of them hanging out together much. Unluckily for Clay and Alex, they had been walking down the hall in the direction of the stairs that the jocks were standing on, so they were right in the vision of Bryce Walker and the rest of them, "nice work last night buddy, you can really hold your booze."

Zach let out a loud snort of obnoxious laughter as he looked over at Clay and Alex who clearly didn't want to be anywhere near them, but knew that they would get it worse if they were to ignore the jocks because it would likely come back and bite them in the ass, "yeah I bet he puked like a little bitch," Zach called out to him in amusement, withholding a hatred towards Clay Jensen

"Yeah well if all of you assholes didn't decide to be complete dick heads and didn't force him to drink a 40 ounce bottle of beer then you wouldn't even have to worry about it, so how about you leave them alone now."

"First off, Zach buddy, fuck you. You puked on three wine coolers last weekend," Bryce taunted with a loud laugh as he reached towards the tall jock and pat him on the arm

"Yeah that's because they were strawberry, you know that im allergic," Zach said as he quickly tried to defend himself, and while it sounded like a stupid excuse, it really was the truth.

"And beside Lexi Babe, we didn't pressure Clay into anything," Bryce said with a smirk on his face as he placed a hand on her shoulder

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