Chapter 74

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"Please state your name and age"
Her heart was pounding, racing at a thousand beats a minute yet her face was calm, some would even say emotionless.

Only the people in the crowd who really knew her could tell how scared she was right now. The small, non-verbal cues that her body was showing off seemed to be her give away. The way that she was twiddling with her fingers, or the way that her nose would softly twitch every now and then.

Her eyes scanned across the room and it wasn't until she made direct eye contact with Montgomery and he sent her a small reassuring nod she continued, "My name is Alexandra Black and i am seventeen years old"

A small tear ran down the girls face but she ignored it and tried to hold the rest of the tears at bay.

Her breath was shaky and her hands began to sweat, her eyes not staying still for more than a couple of seconds. The row of boys that sat in the back of the courtroom knew that she was far from being as calm as she was letting off, but there was nothing that they could do  

"Right, and could you please state the name of the school that you are currently attending?" The woman asks as she begins to make her way over to the teen

"Liberty High" Alex responds with a straight face

"and tell me miss Black, how well did you know Hannah Baker?" The lady asks as she paced slowly in front of the teen, more than likely trying to intimidate her so that she would spill everything on everyone

"I knew her well, the two of us were extremely close. We were best friends, we told each other everything" Alex says to the woman softly. Alex makes eye contact with Olivia baker from across the room and she couldn't help but feel her heart sink to her chest as her dear friends mother sent her the familiar smile, though there was something different about it, it was broken and Alex couldn't help but blame herself.

She should have helped hannah, she shouldn't have yelled at her and she definitely shouldn't have walked away from her. As far as she was concerned, she was the person to blame more than anyone on the whole set of tapes, though everyone else on the tapes would instantly disagree

Alexandra looked back over to the lady as she started talking "so the two of you told each
other everything right? did hannah ever mention anything to you about her getting bullied or about the kids at Liberty High harassing or assaulting her?"

"No," Alex replies and looks down at her hands for a moment before deciding to continue on
"but i knew that it was happening a-"
Alex was cut off by Denis standing up, indicating that he wanted to ask a question and the judge sent him a nod, allowing him to do so

"Miss Black, you claim to have been aware of the bullying that Hannah had to put up with, did you do nothing, after all you say that you were her best friend but arent best friends meant to protect and help each other"
Denis says as he walks towards her

Alex's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger "I never said that i didn't do anything to stop the bullying, i tried to stop the bullying, whenever i heard or saw it happening i did my best to put a stop to it" Alex says and the hint of aggression in the girls voice only made denis smirk, after all he had heard all about this particular girl and he couldn't help but think if there was someone that would help him prove his point, it would be this girl right here.

"Right... i hear that you are quite the miss popular at your school and you are currently in a relationship with a boy named
Montgomery De La Cruz" Dennis says and Alex couldn't understand what that had to do with anything, but she of course nodded along

"What does that have to do with anything?" Alex asks in confusion but when she sees the look on Dennis face she couldn't help but feel like there was something going on and she was walking right into a trap, but at this moment she didn't care, after all there was only one thing that was ringing through herhead on repeat

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