Chapter 37

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Montgomery softly grabbed inter her hand and led her out into the empty hallway. "What's wrong kitten, you look upset" Alex asks
in worry as she looks up at his tired face.

She reaches up and places her hand on his cheek and rubs it gently with her thumb "I haven't seen you in three days, you haven't been responding to any of my calls or messages. I was getting really worried"

"My dad was pissed over the suspension.
Wouldn't let me leave the house, I had to lock
myself in my room. I'm lucky Estella was there and not at her friends house, she bought me
food" Montgomery states "I was gonna leave
out the window to come see you but I figured
if my old man decided to break my door
down and I wasn't there he'd be even more
pissed and go after Estella"

"This shouldn't be happening to you. You and Stell don't deserve this" she said as tears clouded her vision and she held the boys face in her hands delicately

"No no don't cry kitten alright. Everything's fine, Estella is at her friend Maddy's house and I'm gonna be staying with Bryce for the next few days," Montgomery said and leant
forward, placing his lips on her cheeks as he was kisses her tears away, "nobody is
worth your tears"

"You are. You're worth everything I have" Alexandra states softly as he blue eyes gaze into his, "everything I am."

Alex grabbed the boys hand in hers and began to tug him slightly, "let's get out of here. My dads home at the moment so we can camp out in the back of your truck okay? we can quickly drive to my house I'll climb up to my window and grab us some blankets and pillows then we'll throw them in the back of your truck and watch the stars okay"

"Okay baby" Monty mumbles and kisses her
on the lips quickly and allows her to tug him in the direction of his truck, weaving between the cars in the Peking lot, making sure not to accidentlly hit any as they passed them

They make it to the passenger side of the car first, Monty opens and shuts her door for her then gets it the drivers side. He turns to face her for a small moment, his eyes trailing up and down her figure and he wondered the question that was constantly on his mind 'how the fuck did I get so lucky?'

He turns on the ignition and makes sure that she has her seatbelt on, not caring about his own, and begins driving in the direction of her house

Alex pulls out her phone and messages Zach
and Justin, guilty that she wasn't staying to watch the remainder of the game, but Monty needed her right now

To lil Z: Hey Zachy sorry I had to leave,
Monty needed my help with something. Great
job at the game tonight. Shit man you were
great. See you tomorrow, love you Zachy

To J: Hey J, sorry I had to leave early, Monty
needed my help with something. See ya
tomorrow, good job at the game tonight and
don't stress to much about Jess and
everything alright. We're gonna take care of
it. Well get through this together like we
always do

"Who you messaging" Montgomery asks and
Keeps his eyes on the road. He wasn't going
to do anything dangerous while she was in
the car, especially after the accident

"Just telling the boys they did good tonight"
Alex says as she hits the final send button and then turns off her phone and then grabs onto Montgomery's hand which was lying on her thigh

Montgomery grins softly at the feeling of her hand on his own as he nods his head. He squeezes her thigh softly and turns his head to smile at her quickly and then turns back to the road before anything bad could happen

"I love you. So fucking much" Montgomery
says after a few minutes of silence, momentarily surprising Alex

"I love you too Monty" Alex grins widely

Monty and Alex were both layed out in the
back of Montgomerys car with a warm fluffy
blanket that was placed over their bodies. 

The couple layed silently while they were looking up at the giant sky and admiring all of the stars that lit up the world around them.

Nobody was around them for miles, they were parked next to the abandoned building where Monty often camped out where he had nowhere to go.

they couldn't hear anything or anyone, just their own soft breathing, a sound which was practically music to Montys ears as he continued to stare down at her as she looked u at the stars

Alex was cuddled into Montgomery's side with her arm lazily thrown over his waist. He had
one arm under his head and the other around
the girl, tracing circles onto her back with his

After a while of looking up at the stars
Montgomery just stared Down at the girl with
a soft smile as her eyes lit up at all the stars.

She looked so beautiful. And In the
moonlight she looked just like an angel in
disguise and he couldn't take his eyes of her no matter how hard he tried

He held her small body in his muscular arms
tightly as if it were like if he let go even for a
second she would disappear completely, leaving him alone in the world, the world that hated him, the world where she was the only one that he truely had.

Alex eventually turned on her side and
pressed her forehead against his while they
starred into each other's eyes like they were
in their own little world and there was
nothing to worry about.
No dads.
No school.
No drama.
And no tapes

It was just them, just how Monty wanted it to be.

"You look like you haven't slept in days
Monty" Ella mumbles out in worry as she reached up to stroke his cheek softly. The boy leant into her touch. She sighed as she
noticed how tired the boys eyes looked

"I've been scared my dad would come in my
room. But I've also been having troubles
sleeping" Montgomery admitted but looked
away from the girls eyes as he saw the sadness swelling in them

"Look at me baby," she whispered out to him, her voice was gentle and safe. Angelic. He didn't want to look at her, he didn't want her to see him like this, he shook his head as he tried to hold back his tears but then looked back
into her eyes when she didn't say anything

He began to lightly kiss the girl on the lips and
then pull away and continue it over and over
again, wanting to change the topic but he
knew that she wouldn't drop it

"Why. What keeps you up at night" Alex asks
quietly and shuffled in closer to the boy so
that there was no space in between them,
their legs were wrapped together and their
arms were tightly wrapped around each other.

Even though it was cold outside, they were perfectly content in each others arms and under the blankets as the cold air was blocked out by the body warmth that each of them were providing to the other

"I've been thinking. I'm afraid - I'm afraid that you'll end up seeing me the way that I see myself," Montgomery whispered drawing his eyes away from her once more.
She  was shocked and didn't know what to say, her mouth hanging open slightly as she tried to register what he had just told her.

"and I'm scared you know. I'm scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything I think about. You're every thought that goes through my head everyday. You mean everything to me."

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