Chapter 46

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"They say that the kindest smiles hide
the darkest secrets and that's when I
really started believing it. I saw the
way your boyfriend treated you on
multiple occasions and I tried to be a
good friend and protect you, so why
couldn't you be a good friend?

After Kat left, I pretty much had nobody. Nobody but you. I believed you were my best friend and sure I got mad at you a lot but I was just trying to help.

I heard all the times you stood up for me even against your best friends, you made me feel special, like I actually

When I was surrounded by the vicious blood thirsty wolves, there
you were protecting me, standing
between me and the wolves.

But it was obvious that while half
of you wanted to stay and protect me, deep down you felt drawn to the
wolves. The wolves that would do everything in their power to protect you.

So tell me Alex how does it feel being
protected by the wolves, or should I
say tigers?"

"Hey Hannah I was wondering if you
wanted to hang out with me tonight. We
could do something fun" Alex asks as she
walks up to Hannah who was working
in her parents new chemist.

Hannah stops what she was doing and smiles at the girl but the smile drops when
she notices Zach and Justin along with 3
other boys that Hannah didn't know were
walking up behind Alex and they were all
wearing the same blue liberty high jacket.

One of the boys who had green eyes and a
freckly face wrapped his arm around Alex's
waist and smiled down at her before placing
a kiss to the top of her head.

Alex's cheeks flushed red and she looked down at the ground with a smile as the boy grinned down at her.

Hannah looked at the boy who she assumed was Alex's boyfriend, she would be lying if she said she hadn't found the boy attractive.

Alex looked back up at Hannah and then
turned to her friends, "so Hannah you
already know Justin and Zach and this is
Montgomery and Jeff. And boys this is
Hannah Baker, she's the new girl. Kats mate," She smiled at Hannah, "and mine."

The boys all say hi to the girl and Hannah
smiles at them

"You seemed so nice and everyone
loved you. Well almost everyone. I
remember the first time I saw you cry,
and it wasn't the last. And it wasn't
always over your shitty father was it Lexi?"

Hannah smiles as she bounces up the steps of
Alex's house, excited to hang out with the girl.

Just as she raises her hand to knock on the door, something makes her hault in her actions. stops when she hears yelling.

"Do you think that I wouldn't notice you
sneaking out huh?" a loud male voice yells and the painful whimpers of a girl could also be heard amongst the booming sound of yelling

"Dad I-I'm Sorry I Jus-" the girl cries and a
loud whack could be heard that was followed
by a thump.

Hannah covers her mouth in shock as she stood frozen.

Alex was being hit and Hannah
couldn't believe it. The girl had always
seemed so happy and carefree, she never would have guessed that she was being abused at home. Maybe this was a once off thing?

"I don't want to hear your worthless excuses.
Cut the crap. You're going around spreading
your legs for all those little boys around your
high school aren't ya you little slut" the male
voice yells and the sound of glass smashing
and the loud sound of foot steps and a door
slamming shut echoed out of the house.

Hannah stumbled backwards in shock, barely being able to believe her ears.

A minute later Hannah heard the crunch of
leaves next to her and Alex quickly comes out
of her window and climbs down the side of
her house and jumps on the ground next to
Hannah and smiled.

But her smile was different to the smile Hannah was used to seeing the girl with. Her eyes weren't a light ocean blue like they usually were.

Instead they were dull and grey and her
bottom lip was shaking slightly

"Ready Freddy?" Alex asks with a grin. When Hannah didn't say anything or even react, Alex knew that she was fucked.

"How long have you been standing here for"
Alex asks softly

"Long enough," Hannah mumbles out and
goes to say something else but Alex cuts her

"Hey Han, I really think that it's time go" Alex says and doesn't wait for Hannah to answer she just grabs her hand tightly and runs with
Hannah down the street.

Finally, when they were a few streets away from the house Alex finally stopped running and whispered, "sorry about that. Just felt the need to run a bit today" and smiled, lying.

"Alex... I heard everything" Hannah says
softly and the smile on Alex's face drops

"I don't know what your talking about" Alex
mumbles and looks away from Hannah

"Alex this is serious" Hannah mumbles and
tries to grab Alex's wrist to stop her from
walking away but it only makes the girl
whimper in pain so Hannah quickly let go, she looked down to see deep bruising on her wrists

"It's nothing Hannah. And it's none of your
business. It's my life so don't try and tell me
what to do with it. You're not my fucking
mum," Alex chokes out

"Well your mum shouldn't let your dad treat you like that," Hannah explains

"Kinda hard when she's dead," Alex shoots back, causing Hannah to fall silent and go pale

"Shit Alex I'm sorry, I didn't know. How did she die?" Hannah asked and Alex looked up at her with a dead panned expression, was she seriously asking this right now

"I killed her," Alex states firmly, "she died giving birth to me."

"Alex that's not your fault" Hannah says

"Of course it is Hannah. It's a life for a life,
the balance of nature. If I wasn't here than
she would still be alive" Alex says angrily

"Why didn't you tell me" Hannah asks in a
soft whisper, resulting in a scoff from Alex, "you should have told me about your dad."

"I don't need to tell you anything. Nothing is
going on alright" Alex says angrily "you
don't know what your talking about"

"I think you should tell somebody" Hannah
says angrily

"Yeah well it's a damn shame that nobody
asked for your fucking opinion Hannah" Alex
yells back angrily and by then she had had
enough and she stormed off away from Hannah.

She didn't ask Hannah to spend the day with her so that she could just stand there and be questioned

Hannah watched as the girl angrily stormed
off with tears running down her cheeks, so much had happened so quickly.

Hannah also had tears running down her
own cheeks. That was the first time that
Hannah Baker had seen Alexandra Black cry, and it sure as hell wasn't the last time either.

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