Chapter 9

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Montgomery's cheeks began to flush a light shade of pink but he kept a stern look on his face to hide the fact that he was blushing over what his girlfriend had said to him.

"You are so beautiful when you blush Mon," Alex told him with a wide smile. Montgomery turned his head to look at her with a smirk

"Im not beautiful, I'm hot" Montgomery tells her with a smirk

"And modest too right?" she asks him with a grin which causes him to laugh.

They arrived at Monets and walked into the cafe hand in hand, smiles on their faces. "go find us a table and I'll go get our drinks okay?" he told her and kissed her temple as she nodded her head and they went separate ways.

Alex found a booth near the corner of the room and she sat down silently. Her eyes trailed around the room as she waited for Monty to come back and she suddenly noticed Tony and Clay sitting at a table a few meters from her and staring over at her.

She sent them a small smile and a wave, happy to see her two friends, though she knew better than to go over there and talk to them, Montgomery wasn't exactly a fan of Tony or Clay.

Tony gave her a kind smile and a wave while Clay just looked at her with an unreadable expression on his face, though she could tell he wasn't happy with her.

Alex began to feel self-conscious and nervous under Clays stare so she looked down at the table and began to make a small house with the sugar packets as her fingers shook softly.

Montgomery had sat down in front of her and noticed her odd behaviour and looked around and instantly noticed Clay and Tony looking at her and he was filled with rage.

(A/n: I apologise for the word I am about to use, I mean no offense) "Are those faggots bothering you?" Montgomery asked loud enough for Tony and Clay to hear.

Alex's head snapped up sharply and she glared up at Montgomery, "Montgomery, don't say that fucking word! And no they weren't bothering me." she scolded her boyfriend

"Whatever, you don't need to get all fucking pissy," Montgomery growled and angrily pushed her drink towards her as he grabbed his straw and began to drink his own drink

"Yeah well you don't need to be a fucking asshole Montgomery," Alex growled back before she looked over at Tony with an apologetic look on her face for the word that Montgomery had used.

Tony nodded his head towards her, accepting her apology even though he never once blamed her for Montgomery's actions, though he was beyond grateful that she was sticking up for him, but his appreciation didn't amount to the worry he felt everytime the girl spoke against her boyfriend.

Montgomery gripped his cup tightly in his hand as he glared over at his girlfriend, "what the fuck did you call me?" he snapped angrily as he slammed his free hand down onto the table. Tony was quick to stand up in his seat but he stopped himself from walking over there when he noticed Montgomery quickly calming down.

As soon as Montgomery had snapped at her, Alex had flinched back quickly, and Montgomery noticed right away and tried his best to calm down. He didn't mean to scare her, that was the last thing he wanted to do, "I'm sorry," he whispered to his girlfriend.

Alex couldnt help it as she looked across at the boy she adored so much. She got out of her side of the booth and went to his side, sliding in next to him and wrapping her arms around him, laying her head on the side of his arm

"It's okay Monty, I shouldn't have called you an asshole," she muttered to him before placing a small kiss on his jaw line and then reaching over the table and slid her Iced chocolate over to her and began drinking it while she kept her body as close as possible to Montgomerys.

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