Chapter 21

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"Come on. I mean, I dont know guys, its kind of a dick thing to do... I think that this is going way too far," Alexandra tells the boys but they ignore her as they continue driving and then pull up next to Clay who was walking along the road

"Yo Jensen, get in the car!" Justin yelled out to Clay. It was obvious that Justin wasnt fucking around anymore and he was beyond the point of being pissed off with Clay

"Yeah, come on buddy!" Zach called out, also having enough. Clay had gone really far by sending that picture of Tyler around everywhere but Lexi knew that he had done it for Hannah.

Zach, Lexi and Justin were sitting in that order in the back of Alex's car. Lexi shifting slightly to try and get comfortable as she was cramped tightly between the two of them. The boys had decided not to fill Lexi in on everything that they had planned to do to Clay since they knew she cared about him.

"No, I'm fine. I think that i'll just walk," Clay said as he peered into the car and took notice that Justin and Zach were glaring at him. He knew he would have to be really stupid to get into the car with them.

"come on guys, just let him go, this is so stupid." Lexi softly begged them from the backseat as she gave Clay a look to say 'just go home and ignore them'. Clay planned on doing that but he didnt know how far they would be willing to go to get him in the car with them.

"get in the car and I will consider giving you your bike back," Justin suddenly growled, ignoring his best friend and becoming increasingly annoyed with Clay.

"Wait, you stole his fucking bike?" Alexandra snapped at the boy, anger and disappointment clear in her tone that Justin tried to ignore. Lexi was pissed, how was all of this happening and she wasn't even aware. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she looked forwards, now ignoring her two best friends on either side of her.

Clay hesitated for a moment before walking over to the passenger side of Alex's car and then pulling the door open and sitting in the car. He put his seatbelt on and waited for whatever the hell was about to happen next.

The car ride was silent for a while. Zach and Justin were looking out the windows, desperately trying to ignore the sickening feeling that they now had in their stomachs that they got when they realised just how pissed off Lexi was with them.

Alex kept on driving until he got to a back street that was hardly ever used. Lexi and Clay felt their stomachs drop to the bottom of their chests as Alex stopped the car and then flicked the headlights off, the darkness of the night swallowing them, the only light was the small lights on the bottons on the front of the car and the radio.

"what the hell?" Lexi asked quickly, they had told her that they just wanted to talk to him, that was all.

"What are you guys doing?" Clay asks them quickly, looking over at Alex with wide eyes and then looking into the back at Alexandra who had stiffened up in the backeat.

Alex suddenly slams his foot down onto the pedal and starts driving, the speed increasing significantly as the seconds passed them by along with the trees.

Lexi quickly began to freak out, her breathing becoming heavy as she clenched her eyes closed tightly, memories of that night, floating through her mind 

"Hey Tiny, i'm going for a beer run, you up for it?" Jeff asked her as he took a sip of his coke filled red cup

Lexi placed down her beer filled cup with a smile on her face as Jeff threw his arm over her shoulder

"Yeah lets go, we can grab chocolate on the way back right?"  A wide grin on her face that made Jeff chuckle slightly under his breath as he messed her hair up

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