Chapter 82

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The woman, who had clearly been working there for quite a while tonight, looked at the giant pile of food and then over to the two teenagers, her eyes then trailed to the girl who she then looked up and down a few times before raising her eyebrows.

She shook her head ever so slightly before beginning to scan the food items, not bothering to speak whatever was on her mind.

Lexi suddenly felt self-conscious as she looked down at all the food they had managed to gather, her eyes then darting to her stomach and things before looking down at the floor, "Maybe we should put some stuff back" she muttered out softly.

Montgomery was quick to piece together exactly what had happened and shook his head before glaring over at the cashier, a mean look on his handsome face as his back straightened in a threatening manner.

"last time I checked you were getting paid to serve customers not stick your fat ass in other peoples fucking business, so I suggest you keep your eyes off my fucking girlfriend before I make sure that you can't look at anything ever again," Montgomery growled and shoves a 10 dollar bill on the counter, "keep the change bitch," he spat (despite knowing damn well that the food in front of them was more than 10 dollars)

The woman is to shaken to even take the bill as she just nods her head, watching the boy in front of her as he grabs the stuff before storming out of the store with Lexi quickly following close behind.

This time, Monty didn't bother to open the door for his girlfriend which she didn't have a problem with, however, she did have a problem with the fact that her boyfriend was clearly upset, which was far from what she wanted.

"Thanks for sticking up for me bub, you didn't have to do that" Lexi says and puts her seatbelt on and then kisses his cheek, reaching her hand over to grab his, rubbing small circles on it, "I really appreciate everything that you do for me Mon, you're so good to me," she hushed softly.

"Well that my job isn't it?" Montgomery said, a smile begininig to twitch on the corner of his lips. The words that had left her mouth really made him feel like a million bucks right now. Thats what he wanted. He wanted her to feel protected by him, and to know that he would keep her safe.

"Mhmm," she nods softly, letting go of his hand and then placing it on the top of his thigh, her smile turning to a quick smirk, "now lets get out of here and maybe we can finish what we started before"

Monty finally looked across at his girlfriend with a grin on his face "sounds good to me bub"


Montgomery ran his rough fingers through her soft, sweaty hair slowly as her uneven breaths fanned against his bare chest. A thin blanket that had come from the back of Montgomery's truck was closely placed over the bottom half of their bodies as they enjoyed each others embrace. 

Unfortunately for them, neither of them had heard the clicks that had been continuous for the past hour. They hadn't expected someone to be dedicated enough to follow them to a random spot in the woods so late at night. 

"So what happened at that party thing tonight?" Montgomery asked softly, he didn't want to upset her again but he also didn't want to just let those jackasses get away with upsetting his girl. 

"Nothing really, it's nothing to worry about okay," Lexi tells him softly, running her fingers along her chest. She shifts her head up to look him in the eyes, her hair falling over her face slightly. She could see the small speckles of anger in his eyes, burning as they looked down at her. She used her arms to push down on the car roof below them and push her body up and on top of Monty'so that she was hovering over him. 

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