✰ chapter 30 ✰

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Bryce POV//

It had been a few hours since addi left and I knew where she was since Dixie tweeted 'nobody fucks with my friends thanks' which meant she obviously was with Dixie and had told her. Honestly I did feel really bad because not only have i lost my fiancé but also my son. I never really meant for that to happen. I had told Elle to leave and I was playing with Addison's engagement ring that she chucked at me when she left, I didn't blame her to be honest. I fucked up and I need to make it up to her I just didn't know how. Actually I am going to go to Dixie's right now to talk to her. I got up and ran to my car and drove to Dixie. When I got there I knocked on the door.

D: hell- what the fuck do you want?
B: addison, I need to talk to her
A: tell him to go •I hear addison yell from inside•
D: she doesn't want to talk to you player
B: I just wanna see my son and apologise as much as I can to her please
D: no I'm not letting you near her, she's been crying all day thanks to you so fuck off
B: fine but don't blame me when our son doesn't grow up with his dad •and with that I left•

Addison POV//

Bryce had been round and I didn't want to speak to him right now, dixie defended me and told him to leave and eventually he did. Hearing his voice made tears stream down my face and as they did Dixie walked in.

D: bebbb don't cry •she came over and hugged me•
A: yeah but the last thing he said made me emotional
D: I know but you will sort things out, I know he truly fucked up but he loves you adds. He wouldn't come chasing after you if he didn't, he wouldn't have had a beautiful baby with you if he didn't and he most definitely wouldn't have proposed if he didn't love you addi...
A: I know •I wiped my tears•
D: but you both just need space to think things through individually.
A: dix?
D: yeah?
A: your truly the best friend I have ever had, I love you! (as a friend)
D: I love you too addi, I will always be here for you and I know you will be for me
A: I will try my absolute best to be there for you
D: anyway enough tears let's binge watch Netflix with pizza whilst bump naps (she still calls ryder that as a nickname btw bc she thinks it's cute)
A: it's cute you still call him bump
D: yeah I know, and I bet he's gonna be clumsy when he's older with that nickname
A: haha anyway pizza and Netflix sounds amazing.

Dix and I chilled for the rest of the evening and then I took Ryder and I up to bed. I fell asleep after a while since everything was on my mind. I missed having my brycey next to me.

•next morning•

I woke up to Ryder's soft cries next to me, I scooped him up and began to feed him. I then hear a knock at the door.

A: come in
D: morning adds, how do you sleep?
A: alright but everything was playing on my mind
D: I bet
A: I think I can speak with him today
D: whenever your comfortable

I got ready and I didn't feel like eating, I said bye to dix and thank you for everything. I got Ryder and I into the car and drove to out house.

Bryce POV//

I woke up after sleeping terribly, it was so quiet last night without the cries of my baby boy every two hours. I found myself still waking up every two hours though like Ryder was here and I would need to attend to him but he wasn't and each time I stared into an empty crib. I got up and was in the kitchen when someone unlock the door. I went to see.

B: addison?
A: hi i want to talk
B: oh yeah of course, your scared me i thought someone was breaking in.
A: let's got to the living room
B: ok •we walked through•
B: can I hold buddy?
A: yeah he's your son Bryce
B: I know I just didn't want you to get mad

I took him out of his car seat and held him close to my chest. I could smell his cute little baby smells again and I felt so happy just to embrace this again.

B: addison I just want to apologise for everything, I truly never meant for that to happen. I thought Elle had changed but clearly not, I'm sorry she tried to take Ryder from you. I love you adds, I love you so much and I don't want for us to end. I want us to get married, have more kids and live together forever till the day we die.

I saw her start to cry her eyes out. I went close to her and pulled her into my shoulder, putting one hand round her but still making sure I had tight grip of Ryder. I hugged her firmly as she cried into my shoulder, I felt so bad I needed to truly make it up to her.

B: addison? Are you ok?
A: I-I love you too so much Bryce
B: you still do?
A: I do •she whimpered• and I'm sorry for walking out on you and chucking my engagement ring at you! That was bitchy of me.
And I do really love you
B: I love you more addi, and I deserved everything you did yesterday you have nothing to apologise for. I am going to make this up to you I promise.
A: so can I be your fiancé again?
B: of course baby, hold on take him

I passed her Ryder and she laid him down next to her. I reached into my pocket and took out her ring, taking her hand, sliding it onto her finger.

B: I love calling you my fiancé again addison easterling.. very soon to be hall
A: and I love you Bryce hall
•we kissed passionately•

Brook speaks
Ahh my birthday is
on Monday, also
Where do you guys
Think I'm from??

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