Chapter 4

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"Food's done, here!" Kirishima soon handed me a large leaf with a chunk of meat on it. I took it gratefully and slowly ate it. It was hot so I blew on it and then took it apart as I ate it since there was no silverware. When I took a bite, it was dry and lacked flavor.

The barbarian prince aggressively ate his food like a... well... barbarian... as if he had been starved for weeks and Kirishima seemed to have more respect for the animal... They were like night and day, darkness and light, I know they're supposed to remain individual, but the differences were too obvious. I just wondered how they get along to even form a contract. Only conclusion I could come up with was that Kirishima was forced into a link. I wouldn't willingly be linked to such a crude human.

"Does he always eat like that?" I asked.

"Not when his mom or important people are around. He keeps himself clean and proper."

"The poor animal isn't being enjoyed..." I sighed.

"Just shut up and eat! The animal's already dead, it doesn't have feelings anymore." the disgusting barbarian shouted with a full mouth.

I just stared at him with mixed emotions such as annoyance, disgust, and sadness.

"Hey, Y/n..." Kiri called out.


"Here's the map. Might as well cut some time and discuss our locations!" The barbarian rolled his eyes and just stuffed his cheeks with meat. The gnawing and tearing of flesh made me squirm a bit in discomfort. Kirishima sighed as he shook his head before turning back to me. "We're here right now." He pointed around the left bottom corner of the map. "Where are we going?"

I pointed with my pinky, which was not covered in grease, at a cloudy spot with white. "This is where we'll get the Everlasting life flower. You know, the small bright yellow one that crumbled to dust?" I felt the prince flinch and grumble. "Anyways, there's a floating island in the center and that's where the flower is."

He nodded. "What is that place anyway?" he asked.

"The forest of dreams..."

"I've heard about it before... It's a dangerous place and that nobody makes it out once they've gone inside. Haven't seen anyone or heard any stories of people making it out."

I shook my head. "Oh people make it out alright, but not many."

"Why?" Kiri asked. This barbarian isn't the type to talk or ask many questions. He's just a listener.

"Since not many people go to the forest, they're starving and they'd go to extremes... People know that it's full of tricksters, and mostly don't fall for the illusions. The creatures began to build intelligence and their tricks are more difficult to bypass. While their intelligence grows, their physical bodies only grow weaker. So they plant traps to trick the humans inside before tearing into their flesh and filling their stomachs."

Kirishima cocked his head to the side, "If it's that dangerous why can't we just fly over it?"

I sighed, "If we were able to do that, I wouldn't have to warn you!"

"How do you know this?" the barbarian asked.

I scrunched my face in disapproval. "My mother and sisters told me. They've often gone to get ingredients."

They stayed silent, but I quickly shook my head. I just went back to eating. My food was cooler, I complained a bit.

"You complain too damn much! How old even are you?!" the barbarian asked.

"I'm 20 years young, I'll have you know!" I huffed.

"Grow up!" he shouted.

"I could say the same to you! You yell and argue too much! You're like a kid stuck in a built man's body!" I spat back. I could hear Kirishima chuckling. We both turned to him and in unison shouted,

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