Chapter 24

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Art by Zerii-chan on DeviantArt

"Your highness! There is urgent news that cannot wait!" One of Todoroki's knights came rushing over to the training sight with a letter in hand.

I nodded and glared at the knights as they paused their training. "Take a 10-minute break. Your commander will continue to train you," I said.

I took the letter from the knight and inspected the stamp on the letter. It was from the Asosha Dynasty. I opened it and read the contents.

"What kind of bullshit-" I crumbled the letter in my hand and stormed off to find everyone. Barking and ordering people around to locate and notify everyone to see me in the war room immediately.

I was going to find Todoroki myself.

I slam open his door to find the prince lying on the floor with his eyes close and hand over his chest like a dead person.

I was going to start yelling at his face, but to find him in such a way knowing damn well I was coming over is... perplexing. "What the fuck are you doing?" It calmed me down enough to put reason in my words and actions.

"I'm slowing down."

"You're laying down."

"I am taking the time to be aware of my surroundings and channel my inner emotions."

"Forget this, get up! You sent me this letter and we gotta talk about it!"

He opened his eyes and slowly got off the ground. He wipes his outfit and looks into my eyes.

"It is exactly as written. Do you need more clarification?"

I go to grab his collar but pause. Instead of acting on my emotions, I clench my hand and drop it to my side. "This is going to delay the rescue!" I lower my head in defeat and dig my chewed into my skin.

I feel the prince lay his hand on my shoulder again. "I think we should discuss what everyone else thinks we should do. Come on." I clenched my fists and stormed out. This was me being calm. I am unbelievably furious, but I can't lash out. Innocents do not deserve my fury.

I walk into the room with everyone wondering what's going on. "I just received news that the rescue plan must be delayed."

Everyone looks at each other and mutters around. "What's wrong with Y/n?" Niejire asked.

I clenched my fists and Todoroki spoke for me. "The Crudian Nation was reported to have been hiding out in the Asosha Dynasty. King Endeavor requested their knights to return in case they plan a terrorist attack..."

Gasps of fear and mutters bounce off the stone walls.

"Oh Katsuki..." my mother mumbles.

"We cannot leave the kingdom indefensible, your highness..." Yayorozu shouted.

He nodded. "I will send my knights back..." I shot him a glare and he furrowed his brows as he turned away. "We have to prioritize our citizens over this mission. The witches haven't done anything to us-"

I go to grab him, "You bastar-"

A sudden and surprisingly strong hold grabbed my bicep. I see Deku keep a strong grip on my arm sleeve. I grit my teeth and clench my free fist ready to knock his nose into his skull. He dodged and I stumble back holding my stomach. The tiny bastard got a hit on me. I coughed a bit as an effect of the punch. I glare at him as my mom comes over to scold me shouting my name.

I look up and see Deku looking at me with pity coating his eyes. I fucking despised seeing his face like that.

"Kacchan... I know she's important to you, but you have to put your people's safety first..."

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