Chapter 20

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Art by fiofuao on Twitter

(Notice: Smut (Sex) warning. May be bad. I'm trying!)

A knock from the door woke us up and Kirishima opened it to see the Captain of the ship. "We should be there in some time, make sure to cover up, it's freezing out there, and the folks there don't take kindly to strangers. Never let your guard down," he said before walking away. I stared at the door as Kirishima turned to me.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"The island of the witches. You two need to be careful. Witches and dragons are incompatible and have a long history of war." I couldn't help but feel dread.

Kirishima furrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Y/n, are you-"

"Did you guys pack clothes for the cold weather? If not we can just get some," I said. Kirishima might be a baby, but he isn't stupid. He knows I'm a witch, but I'm still going to avoid the topic.

I decided to put my black dress on and give my blanket to Kirishima. He didn't smile or thank me. Instead, he stared at me. I sadly smiled and turned away to pack my things. I know all the trust I've built is crumbling but if they could at least pretend to trust me and be my friend for just a short time.

Bakugo was weirded out that I or Kirishima didn't lighten the mood. It was drowning us.

We walked onto the deck and the Captain told us to get in a small boat the rest of the way with one of his crew. "The water is too shallow to go any further," he said. Bakugo helped me onto the boat as Kirishima continued to stare at my back.

When we were safely in the boat with our belongings the Captain bid us farewell as the crewman rowed us to shore. I was facing directly to the cold island. I vowed to never return, yet here I am. Back in this cold wasteland. Back to the place of my birth. Back to my personal hell.

"Y/n?" Bakugo asked. I looked at him and smiled.

"It's cold."

I looked at Bakugo in surprise. He used his cape to help me keep warm. I want to cry. I don't want to be here. I want to go back home, or maybe to Graevia with Bakugo and Kirishima. I want to keep my secret and remain their friends. I sniffed back some snot and rubbed my eyes.

I want to go home. My cozy tree home. Not the cold tower. I don't want to go back. Can I run away? I'm not welcome here. I'm not welcomed anywhere. Can I just die? I'd rather die than go back.

The boat ride was silent, save for my crying. Every time I tried to stop myself I would just sob louder. I know I was making everyone uncomfortable. I was inconsolable.

"You don't have to go with us, just give us your diary and we can figure it out ourselves," Bakugo suggested. I shook my head.

"I wish I could do that, but I have to go with you..."

"I promise as soon as we get my mother's cure we'll go back home..." he whispered.

I sniffled again and removed his cape from my back. It's time to start distancing myself. I need to secure the wall that divides us. Make sure he knows I don't want anything to do with him anymore. Rebuild it with anything I can. The holes with iron, the cracks with steel, and add layers whenever the wall bends.


The sand made no sound as I jumped off the boat. My body was tense as I stared at the wintry island. I swallowed saliva and felt a hand grab mine. I looked over my shoulder and up the arm. Bakugo smiled and gave my shoulder a light nudge.

He was making this hard. I don't think I can build a wall. I can't defend. I can only attack. I didn't want to let go. His hand was warm. But I let go nonetheless...

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