Chapter 16

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Art by Banana-Banshee on DeviantArt

I woke up feeling drowsy. I had a couple of nightmares last night and had a hard time staying asleep. I was so tired, but I had a critical mission today. I got out of bed and changed. I looked out the window real quick and saw the village active. I pushed away from the window and peered out the door. No one was in the hallways so I walked out.

"Y/n." I screamed and turned around to see the Archmage covering an ear as he held something covered by a black hat. "Apologies, for startling you."

I clutched my heart and shook my head. "I'm sorry for screaming..."

"It's alright... I've gotten clothes to get more into the role."

"What if the villagers feel threatened by me?"

"Not many people know about witches since the last time they appeared was decades ago. I'm sure you'll need not worry," he assured me.

I nodded and took the clothes from him. "Thank you. I'll do my best."

He only nodded and walked away. I gripped the clothes and just walked back into my room.

I was given a long black mermaid-tail-styled dress. The dress covered my entire body but showed some cleavage. And just as it had looked, it was stiff to walk in. How was I to run? I furrowed my brows. I hope Deku can protect me... I was given tall black stiletto heels with buckles at the ankles, a large black hat with a bow wrapped around to cover my face, and I was also given some jewelry. A necklace with a leather band wrapped around a shiny red crystal, and a singular bracelet which I put on my left arm.

I looked at myself in the reflection of the mirror and I looked a bit dirty. I looked around for my bag. I used some water and my rags to clean my face. With my face now clean, I brushed my hair with my fingers. I tried to fluff my hair a bit but it didn't look good so I brushed it again.

I practice my stone face. I have to talk like I'm indifferent to everything. I hope this hat can help me hide my emotions. I folded my hands on my lap and tried to walk as elegantly and smoothly as I could.

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I opened the door and walked out. I made sure to straighten my back, roll back my shoulders, and as well as to lift my chin up. I adjusted my hat to still cover myself, but not to make it too low.

I had a hard time walking down the stairs but I used the railing to keep myself up. These heels were a challenge, but thanks to the dress limiting my distance I managed to get through it.

I felt everyone's eyes on me and I felt discomfort. It was okay to act normal for now.

"Y/n, you look so elegant! I didn't recognize you!" Kirishima said.

I laughed as I shuffled over to him. "How did you then?"

"Well, first of all, nobody else is here except us and the owner of the hotel. Even if there were other people, I would still be able to tell."

"Am I that noticeable?" I ask twirling around in the dress. When I completed the circle I rested my hands on my hips. I was dressed in much nicer clothing than I had before and if it wasn't for my face and hair, I thought everyone would think I was someone else entirely.

"No, it's just I get this feeling from you. You know Bakugo?" I was confused. "When we first met her we were cautious?"

"Yeah she had a... incompatibility is the only word I can think of... I don't know how to describe it..."

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