Chapter 8

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This time around Kirishima didn't faint upon entering the forest of dreams. Glad an he learned his lesson. The rabbits' breathing was heavy and it was the loudest sound we heard. I handed the bag to Kirishima and we made our way back to the waterfall. It was easier to navigate since it was just in the center of the forest. I heard critters scampering around. Their light chuckles about a feast arriving made me want to chop off their heads. If their teeth were gone they wouldn't have anything left to smile at or eat.

"They're so annoying..." Bakugo mumbled.

Unfortunately, I had to agree, but they were just scared. "We don't have time. Let's keep going, we should be close. Careful of where you step." We treaded through the forest and we found the waterfall fairly fast.

I took the rabbit from Kirishima and he transformed into his dragon form. The crunches, cracks, pops, and sizzling he made when transforming made it sound like he was in pain. It made me worried about him. Now a transformed Kirishima let out a loud screech, scaring off any creatures nearby. I started biting the inside of my mouth and the prince helped me on Kirishima's back. We flew up directly above the waterfall. We rise above the island and see an abundance of bright yellow everlasting life flowers.

As soon as we land on the island the flower nymph appears in the distance. She stares at us for a few minutes, as if confused.

Her dress was a soft pink and was short in the front but longer in the back. Lighter in tone than her skin. She wore some white flowers that rested above her sharp yellow horns. Her face was curious and her skin was a fair pink similar to her hair. Light freckles glazed over from her right cheek bridging over her nose to her left cheek. Her golden pupils shone with mystery and wonder. She had loose golden strings wrapped around her body and limbs. She had gorgeous and smooth skin. Nymphs were rumored to be the most beautiful creatures in all the world, and looking at the flower nymph before us I was forced to believe it to be true.

Bakugo begins to mumble but then quiets down as the nymph slowly skips towards us with her hands behind her back and in a different language, she questions, "រដឃគ ចឈឆ ឈមគ ឈឍ តគឃ ផតជធឌឃគម" to which I nodded in response. "រជ តដពគ មគពគឃ ឋគគម ចឈឆ ភគឍឈឃគ. រងតឈឋគ ឈឍ ចឈឆឃ ទជមឌ ខតឈ ពជឋជង យគ ដឃគ ឋងឃឈមណគឃ ឈឃ ដឃគ ជម ឋគង ឈឍ ងតឃគគ ដង ធគដឋង, តឈខគពគឃ, ចឈឆ ដឃគ ពគឃច ខគដទ ផតជធឌ ដមឌ ងតគច ដឃគម' ឍគយដធគឋ...." She then glanced over to the guys. "រឌឈ ងតគច ទមឈខ" She asked me.

I looked at my companions and shook my head. "រមឈ. រងតគច ខជធធ ភឆឃម យគ ខតគឃគ រជ ឋងដមឌ," I told her.

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