Chapter 9

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I woke up that morning feeling refreshed. I stretched up and saw the prince and Kirishima already done eating. "You guys already ate breakfast and didn't wake me?"

"I thought you would've liked to rest up..." Kirishima said. "Sorry..."

"No, it's fine. Can you grab me a meal I can eat on the way? I'll take a look at his highness's wounds."

Kirishima nodded and rushed out. The prince sat on the bed without me telling him and I grabbed a chair to sit on as I unwrapped his bandages. His wound was healed. It looked like a light scratch now. I took out some cream and applied it to his wound.

"I don't need bandages anymore?" He asked.

I shook my head. "It just looks like a light scratch, so it will heal soon." He nodded.

"Thank you," he told me.

"No, thank you, your highness. If you hadn't chased after me, I would've been kidnapped. Who knows what those men would've done with me..."

"You're temporarily one of my people."

"Even if it's temporary, or even if you had no choice," I looked up to meet his eyes to show him my sincerity, "I still have to thank you, your highness..." I smiled and put the cream back up. I stood up from the chair with a huff. "I need to go change now. I'll be back." I grabbed my bag and walked to a restroom. There, I changed back into my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and brushed my hair with my fingers. Having my hair short makes it easier to manage. I looked at my face and checked my skin. It looked a bit dirty, so I washed it clean, and left the restroom. The prince and Kirishima were waiting for me at the end of the hall.

"Ready?" I nodded with a smile as I walked over to them.

"My wings will take a while to recover, so I got us a wagon we can rent out. Where's our next destination?" Kirishima asked as he handed me a map.

I looked at the map and pointed at our next destination as he asked.

"Alright, there's a wagon drop-off near there."

"Yeah but after that, we need to go to the coast." I pointed to the map where we had to be. "It would be better to keep the wagon until then."

"There's another drop-off point there, so it'll be fine."

"Good. Sounds like a plan."

We walked out of the hotel and to the place the wagon sat waiting for us. The wagon has a white tarp over it with two horses carrying it. The prince helped me up and handed me a few snacks. We decided to go on a road because it would be safer and easier to locate on the map. I made sure to mark simple erasable marks to show that we've already crossed an area.

The snacks they had gotten me were sweet deserts and bread covered in sugar. Apples, oranges, bananas, and some other easy-hand foods. I decided to keep the apples and bananas for the horses.

After eating, I got bored. "Let's play a game!"


"Why not, your highness?"

"I think it'll be fun, Bakugo!" Kirishima said. "I'll play!"

"Okay, I spy with my little eye something green!" I was fairly confident he wouldn't expect what I saw.

"Oh wow," the prince scoffed. "We're literally in a sea of green!"

"Trees?" Kirishima guessed.




"It has to be grass! If it's not, I'll turn this wagon around!"

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