Chapter 19

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"No one grows those because of their risks," Bakugo said. He didn't know the information I did, so I had to explain.

"Some people do. There's a farm of them in a forest in the east," I said

"What's the cannibalistic flower for though?" Kirishima asked.

"To counter and nullify the powers of the Everlasting flower. When consumed the Vampire flower brings out toxins that make one sick."

"Why in the hell do we need them?! Why can't we just not get either of them if they're just going to nullify each other?!" the barbarian shouted. I covered my ears. He yells too damn loud and I was right in front of him, I could hear him just fine even when he mumbled.

I sighed and explained it to him, "The everlasting flower brings out a lot more toxins than the cannibalistic one. The extra toxins that don't kill the bad ones will kill the ones that cause your mother to be sick instead of her healthy cells!"

Two days we separated from the two princes and the dark mage we made it to the area where another one of the ingredients was. It took us a long time to get this far, but we helped a lot of people along the way, so I think it was worth it.

"There." I pointed down to a large area. We had to land far from the location thanks to Kirishima. It was fine walking the rest of the way tho. 

We slowly landed downwards and walked a long way towards a small cabin at the edge of the woods by a lake. The cabin was surrounded by Vampire flowers and dead bodies, none that looked human thankfully. There were different carcasses of different animal species. Skeletons, hairs, teeth, eyes, rotting flesh, feathers, goo and ooze, guts, and all were scattered around various specifically placed flowers. Some of the bodies had vines and thorns sprouting out of the animals. Their dead eyes and carved-out eye sockets left an impression on me.

"This place is so eerie..." Kirishima whined.

"These are those cannibal flowers you were talking about right?" Bakugo asked.

"Yes... tread with caution." Everywhere we stepped was damp. The color was too dark to be the work of water. I took a good view of the cabin. It was very run down, yet it was apparent someone lived within.

I slowly walked to the cabin to build up my courage. I knocked loudly at the door and heard slow and loud creaks inside the rundown shack. The door opened and an old man with dull eyes stared at me from the other side. His smile grew wide and his eye crinkled. You could see the grime that had built up in his teeth and some teeth were even missing. I rolled my shoulders up and looked down at him.

"Why hello there! How may I help you, young folks?" he asked.

"I want a vampire flower. One that had at least consumed equivalent to three boars."

"Oh my! Such a large order! Not many vases fit the flower..." he chuckled. He was speaking in riddles. The guys didn't understand, on the other hand, I knew the meaning behind his words. What kind of monster was I trying to kill?

"I have a vase at home," I told him. 

He cackled as slammed his door shut. I heard clicks behind the door and the man came out with a chart. It's a good thing he kept records of what his flowers ate. "Let's see... What do we have here... about three boars..."

Kirishima asked, "Why did you want to grow these dangerous plants?"

The old man looked up at him and smiled his grimy-toothed smile. "I'm afraid you wouldn't understand, boy," the old man said.

I knew why the old man grew them. My sisters had told me once. The only reason why he trusts my sisters so much is because we're his biggest customers and informants. He turned back and continued to look through the charts of the flowers.

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