Chapter 11

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Kirishima's POV

The village was in complete chaos. Guards were patrolling the area and I had to avoid them. I was carrying around a girl who hardly had any clothes cuffed in magic defusers used for imprisoned mages or just anyone who could use magic. It could easily cause a misunderstanding and I didn't want to go through the trouble of explaining the situation. Sure, they might have the keys to unlock them, but they might detain me and it would take a while to identify me. It's just easier to see someone who knows sort of knows us.

I wasn't too sure where Sero's workshop is, but I at least had the name of the building and the street name. The Bronze Spoon on Swinster Street was what he said.

I couldn't find the dang street so I was forced to ask someone. I made sure to properly cover up Y/n's neck and made sure she was warm before I asked someone. I went up to a lone woman in front of her home and had to ask her where the street was.

"It's just four streets over... But is she alright, dear? The hospitals or clinics aren't over there but in the other direction..." I had to lie to the woman.

"We just came back from the clinic and her mom wanted me to bring her home because she was worried about her after the shake. Unfortunately, she was very tired and fell asleep in my arms."

She nodded her head. "Oh alright... Be safe then. There aren't many guards keeping watch, so there is going to be a lot of thugs around..."

I nodded. "Thank you for the advice, miss!" I rushed past her and down four streets as she told me and saw a sign saying Swinster street. I looked around and saw a dim light coming from the inside of a building. It was The Bronze Spoon. I ran towards it and at the door and I shuffled Y/n into a thigh as I freed a hand to knock.

"We're closed!" I heard Zero shout from inside.

"Hey, Sero, it's me! Kirishima! My friends and I helped you push your car earlier today!"

"Kirishima?!" I heard crashes, thuds, curses, and other background noises from behind the door. Soon I saw Sero swing the door open. "What are doing so la- What's happened to her?!"

"We would like to use our favor now if you do not mind."

He shook his head, "No, no, no, not at all. Come inside. Careful it gets messy after closing time..." I stepped inside and he closed the door behind me. He pushed past me. "Here she can lay in my bed for a bit."

The place was entirely of wood except for parts and inventions scattered around the floor. Sero was right, his place was messy. Well, I guess that means he's working hard? I felt a paper slide beneath me and I lifted my foot. It would be bad if I fell with Y/n in my arms. Of course, I would try my best so she wouldn't get hurt. I had to tip-toe across the ground. Sero saw me and started picking up his things and scattering them all over out of my way.

"Thank you so much. I didn't want to use that favor at all let alone the same day, but we came across an unexpected situation."

"It's fine, I don't mind. What happened? If you don't mind me asking that is..."

I slightly furrowed my brows. "She was kidnapped and was being sold at the auction..."

"How did you find her?"

"Children beggars helped us find the place they took her to. Thanks to them we wouldn't have been able to find her..."

"They put magic defusers on her..."

I nodded. "We were hoping you could help us remove it. We tried to break it, but it ended up hurting her and she passed out."

"We do sell magic defusers here, but only to the guards at the prison... I should have the key... I just need to look at the model..."

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