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My alarm goes off at six. Today I start at a new school. I was ready for a new challenge. I hope to find it here. For the first time I become a teacher of a mentor class. So I'm a little nervous.

I jump out of bed. I can not wait for it. I don't have to work for the money. I do it because I really like it. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I put my long black hair in a tight ponytail. This makes me look a little older and maybe a little stricter. I wake up Josh and get him ready for the day too. We quickly have breakfast together. Then it's time to take him to the daycare and then go to school.

After about ten minutes of driving I arrive at school. I park the car and look for the principal. I don't really have much to do at school today. Getting to know my new colleagues a bit and making my classroom a little bit my own.

I get a quick tour, chat with colleagues and occasionally I help hand out books to the students in the auditorium. I don't think I've seen my class yet. It is a third year group and does not know exactly when it is their turn to get their books. I'm curious about them. But I really have to wait until tomorrow to get to know them.

It is now afternoon and it is becoming quieter in the school. The last students have just get their books. I decide to pack my things and look for my classroom. With my hands packed, I try to find my way on the map. I may have had a tour, but classroom 216 had fallen short. So while I'm searching, I walk down the hall. Out of nowhere someone bumps into me. Out of fear I let everything fall out of my hands and so all my papers are on the floor. “I'm sorry. I was not paying attention. I'll pick that up." The girl apologizes and immediately starts collecting my papers. “Don't worry about it. Can happen". I say trying to help her, but then she looks up. Only now can I see her face. She has beautiful long blond hair, which she once runs her hand through. Her beautiful green eyes are to dream in. "Are you in a hurry?". I ask, but I get no answer. "In a Hurry?". She seems to be a little nervous, but now gets an answer anyway. "S-sorry ma'am. I just wasn't looking out". I smile at her to reassure her, which also seems to help. Fortunately she can show me the way to my classroom. I wish her a nice day and then I walk away. Before I go up the stairs I look back I don't really know why I do that, but there is no one to be seen anymore.

Finally arriving at the right classroom, I plop down on the desk chair. I suddenly feel a bit weird, but I have no idea how that is possible. I clean up a few things and then decide to go home. I'll do the rest of the stuff tomorrow. Walking to my car I look around me a bit. I see the girl from the collision coming out of the bicycle shed. I can't help but raise my hand to wave to her. She waves back which puts a smile on my face. In the car home, my mind occasionally wanders to that girl.

Josh has been sleeping for a while and I grab my laptop to skype with my sister Hannah. "Hey sister how was your first day?". I can tell from her face that she just woke up. "Oh Han did I wake you up?" She shakes her head. "Now tell me how was your first day". "Wasn't that special. Tomorrow it really starts". When I say that, I think back to the collision earlier today. "Are you sure it wasn't that special?". I look a little surprised at my screen, because I don't know what she means. "Nice colleagues?". She says it in a tone I don't understand. "The ones I've met seem nice to me." I see Hannah look doubtful. "Uh... okay". "What's bothering you?" When I ask, she starts laughing. "I'd better ask you. Has really nothing happened or something?". I shrug. "Don't know where you want to go, but no. I met the principal. Had a tour and helped a little with handing out stuff. Then I went to my classroom". When I say the latter, I immediately see the girl in front of me again. "What happened there?". Hannah asks with a laugh. "What do you mean?". Really don't understand what's going on with her. "I can tell by your face that something has happened." I sigh. "Nothing special. I was walking in the hallway and someone came around the corner and bumped into me. All my stuff fell on the floor and she picked it up for me". Hannah's laugh gets bigger. "Aaaa... Okay. A colleague?". I shake my head. "No, a student of one of the higher groups, I think". Hannah still sits there with a grin. "She made a good impression, didn't she?" My thoughts go back to the girl for a moment. "Now come on tell me. Even through the screen I see you blush." I’m a little shocked when she says that. "Fuck you Han. I just shouldn't have skyped. But if you really want to know. Yes, she impressed me. Only those green eyes were enough to dream in." Hannah laughs even harder, but fortunately doesn't elaborate. We talk for a while and then it's time to go to bed.

The consequences of a collision ( Girlxgirl Teacherxstudent )Where stories live. Discover now