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The week in Bali has flown by. It's beautiful there. Actually, a week here is far too short, but I'm glad we're on the plane again. Finally we are now going to Australia. It's not even a long flight, but it feels like days. The idea of ​​seeing my family again makes me nervous. "Pff this trip seems to be taking much longer than last week. Just starting to get sick of it." Kate smiles sweetly at me. "Babe, just a little patience, we're almost there." Luckily Kate manages to distract me. I don't know if it's the right way for an airplane, but I'll take it for granted. She rubs her hand slowly down my leg, from my knee to my groin. It immediately warms me up. Especially when she starts whispering in my ear. "I can make you forget the time for a while. Josh is sleeping soundly." I look at her with wide eyes. My breathing starts to stop a bit. "You know I never refuse, but I don't think this is the right place." Although she knows perfectly well that I mean the plane and not the position of her hand. She now moves her hand between my legs. It makes me feel even hotter. "You're roght. This place better?". I'm going to breathe even harder. "You know I didn't mean that." Kate laughs. "Oh you mean we should go to the toilet." I seriously doubt it. She's gotten me pretty hot. I can't help it, but every touch of her does it to my body. "As very attractive as this sounds. You stay here with Josh and I have to go to the toilet." Kate laughs and I give her a kiss and stand up. "Do I really not have to come along to help you?". I almost agree. "Very tempting, but don't do it". Then I quickly go to the toilet.

When I get to the toilet I really feel how hot she has made me. The thoughts that she could have been standing here with me now and that she knows what I'm doing here excites me even more. But I'm here alone now so I really have to do it myself. I sit still for a while, so that not everyone can see from my face what I've done here. I sit down next to Kate again and give her a kiss. "Was it good?". "Shh, not everyone needs to know what I did there." Kate smiles at me. "Don't worry babe. Everyone is sleeping. So will I still get an answer?". She looks at me defiantly. "Okay, okay if you really want to know. It's much nicer when you do it." I get a lovely long kiss. "So next time I can come with you?" I don't say anything, just look at her. And to myself I think next time I'll drag her to the bathroom. Fortunately, the landing is now underway.

We have landed and are waiting for our suitcases. I do hope it won't take too long. Kate takes my hand. She feels my sweaty hand from all the tension. "Nervous or not washing your hands properly after going to the toilet". I say nothing and let go of her hand. And pack our first suitcase coming up. I feel great, but don't let her know just yet. Let her sweat a little too. Then I walk back to her. I hold her firmly against me. "You're going to regret this. I will personally make sure that you do not sleep through the night." She has no problem with it, feeling her kiss.

Finally we have all our suitcases. I have to hold on to the cart and luckily Kate supports me too. Because of the tensions I am now a bit shaky on my legs. "Hold on, babe. You can hold her again in less than five minutes." We finally step through the doors. I quickly look around to see if I see Hannah anywhere. It takes me a while to find her, but as soon as I see her I run to her. When she arrives, she jumps around my neck. Finally I can hold her again. We stand like this for minutes. Tears flow with both, which we can both laugh about. Then Josh comes over and my sister picks him up right away. Kate comes to me and wipes my tears away and gives me a kiss. "I am so happy for you". I give her a hug. "I love you. And I'm even happier because you're there." I realize that my sister has been watching Kate for a while and gestures her with my head that she can say something. "You look even nicer in real life. You've done well, sister. It's nice to finally see you live." She says it with a smile and gives Kate a hug. "Han behave yourself. And I have nothing to complain about. There aren't any nicer than this one." I put an arm around Kate and kiss her on the cheek.

We Load the suitcases into Hannah's car. I take a seat in the passenger seat. Kate and Josh sit in the backseat. "Had a nice flight?". Kate bursts out laughing. "Uhm do I want to know the answer?". I look at Kate pleadingly, but she can't help but make a comment. "Well let's just say, since there's a little guy there, it was... What would I call it. It was a warm flight. Still Babe?". I take the first thing I can find and throw it at her. "That's enough Kate." Fortunately for Kate, it is an empty coffee cup. Not that I mind her talking like that, I like it when she's like that and to me it's a sign that she's comfortable with my sister around too. "Okay enough information. Guess I don't need to know the rest. Next topic then." Hannah says with a smile.

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