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In three months, Kate and I have built up a better and better relationship. We have regular eye contact. More and more often she puts her pen in her mouth during class and then looks at me. At first she listened to my hand gestures to take the pen out of her mouth. Until she realized that otherwise I would walk through the classroom, to walk by her and then push her hand down. Which I now have to do at least once per lesson. We also have more and more conversations during breaks or at the end of the school day. I feel good when I am around her. She makes me feel something I've never felt so strongly before.

I’m on my way to my classroom. I have to finish some quick work there and then I'm going to kick off the weekend with some friends tonight. When I'm still in the hallway, the babysitter calls and tells me she can't come tonight. I call a friend. “Sorry my babysitter just canceled. Sorry. I really can't come." When I say that to my friend, Kate just walks by. "Everything fine?". I nod when Katja asks me in a whisper. "Liesbeth, you promised you would come tonight. We really assumed you would come".I hear the disappointment on the other end of the phone. “I know, but I'm really not going to make it. I'll call you later, I'm still at school." I hang up the phone and then continue my way to my classroom. "Are you okay?". Kate asks me and follows me into the classroom. "Yes. I was expected somewhere tonight, but my babysitter just called off. Now some people are mad at me.” "Oh, didn't know you had it in you to make people mad."I don't know how she manages to do it every time, but she quickly she makes my smile back. "Thank you". “For what?”. I turn towards her with a smile. “That you manage to make my smile come back again”. When I say that, Kate also smiles. “Can I help you?”. I look at her questioningly when she says that. “I don't have to work tonight.” I shake my head. “Very sweet of you, but you probably have better things to do on a Friday night. I don't think it's appreciated that I have a student do that." In the meantime I sat down on a table and Kate sits down opposite me. “Hey, if I had something better to do, I wouldn't have suggested it. I would like to do it for you and no one will hear from me. So I don't see a problem. Or don't you want me to babysit Josh?." What is it that I cannot refuse her. "Are you sure you want to do it?" Kate nods. "What time do you need me?" I doubt for a moment. “I have to leave by 7 o'clock, but…”. I’m not sure if I'll ask her to come earlier. Which I would find nice anyway and that way I can also introduce her to Josh. Now I think that's a thing. It feels a bit different than introducing Josh to a babysitter. I'm going to introduce Josh and Kate to each other and I really don't see Kate as a babysitter. "But?". “But maybe you can come a little earlier. Then you can first meet Josh. If he wakes up, he won't be shocked by a stranger." I ask a bit shyly and Kate laughs. "Of course. That makes sense. What time do you want me?". "An hour earlier? Will that work for you?” Kate looks at her watch. "That will probably be a little later. It will be an hour before I get home and then I have to go to you too." I'm getting more nervous. I don’t want to let her know I'm doing this not just because of Josh's will. "Otherwise you can also come with me right away. That saves you a lot of travel time and Josh has enough time to get used to you. At least if you like that and that is okay home too." Kate gets a bigger smile on her face "Yes, I think that's fine and my mother doesn't mind either. I'll send her a message that I'm going with a friend from school and have no idea what time I'll be home". I'm relieved about what she wants to send her mother "Okay let's do it. I'm just do something quick and then we can go. Surely you like pizza?”. Kate nods and then we agree that she will put her bicycle down at the bus stop and I will pick her up there.

When the three of us are in the car, after we have picked up Josh, he immediately talks a hundred to Kate. She is listening to it with a big smile. What makes me a lot calmer right away, I was actually quite nervous. When we arrives at home, Kate doesn't even get a chance to come inside quietly. Josh has already pulled her to his bedroom by the hand. That gives me some time to clean up a bit. Then I go their way. It makes me happy when I see how those two already interact with each other. “That's enough, Josh. Go wash your hands. The food will be there soon.” Josh runs out of his room and Kate and I follow him at a slower pace. “It will be fine tonight. Looks like he likes you." Kate looks me in the eye. "He's a nice boy. He looks like his mother." I’m glad the doorbell rings and the pizza delivery boy is here. Kate is starting to flirt more and more and I find it very difficult not to respond to it. The three of us sit down at the kitchen bar and I can finally do my hair down. Kate is sitting opposite me and I can see from her eyes that she likes it. “You look good with your hair down. It also makes your blue eyes look even more beautiful.” I'm a little nervous about her reaction. "T-thank you". Fortunately, Josh saves me by talking enthusiastically about his school day again. After dinner we play a game with the three of us. I really enjoy that Josh and Kate get along so naturally. After that, it's time for me to get changed quickly.

The consequences of a collision ( Girlxgirl Teacherxstudent )Where stories live. Discover now