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The past year has flown by. It's been a great year. Today I am quite nervous. It is the day that Kate can pick up her diploma. I am so proud of her. I am so happy that I can experience this with her, but it also means that I show myself again at school. By Kate’s side. She only told her friends after the holidays, so no one else knows about us yet. And they can see from my belly that something is coming. I am five months pregnant with twins. We are overjoyed that it was awarded to us so quickly and Josh loves it that he has two litlle brothers. It was a bit of a shock when it turned out to be twins, but maybe we're even happier with that.

We're in the car. We have just picked up Kate's mother and her boyfriend and are on our way to school. Unfortunately, Kate and her mother's new boyfriend don't get along very well, but she sees that her mother is happy with him. So she's at peace with it. We parked the car at school. "Mom, go ahead. We'll be right there." Her mother and her boyfriend get out and go inside. "Are you ready for it?". I ask Kate. "Yeah I'm glad we can finally walk here together. And looking forward to finally getting that piece of paper." I give Kate a kiss. "I'm also glad I can go with you now, don't want to miss this moment. Can we immediately show Josh where we met. I'm so incredibly proud of you". Kate puts her hand on my belly and talks to it. She does that every day and it is an wonderful feeling. "Mama has to pick up something important. It's all a bit exciting. So you keep it quiet in Mommy's tummy for a while." Then we give each other a kiss and get out.

We walk into the school yard. It's a bit awkward to walk there again, especially because I don't walk there as a teacher now, but I think it's nice that we can now show Josh, who proudly walks by the hand of Kate, where we met. I don't know how to express myself very well, maybe a little afraid of the reactions. Fortunately, Kate quickly takes my hand. "Babe, don't worry so much. We're doing this together." She whispers in my ear. Which immediately makes me a lot calmer. First we meet Kate's friends, who are waiting for her at the bench as usual. "How nice that you and your son are also there, Miss Smith". They said it with a smile. "Oh guys please I'm definitely not here as Miss Smith". We all laugh about it. "Kate why haven't you said anything about that yet?". Tina asks while pointing at my belly. "I wanted to surprise you and it looks like it worked out nicely". Kate says proudly. "Yes, you certainly succeeded. It's a nice surprise too. Congratulations". The rest of her friends also congratulate us. I'm relieved how they handle it.

A little further on are some former colleagues and the principal. When they see me they wave and signal with a wave of the arm that I have to come their way. "Honey, I'm going to go to the teachers. I'll be back in a bit. Josh, you stay with mama for a while". Josh nods and I give Kate a kiss. I am greeted warmly. They like me to be there and congratulate me on my pregnancy. When I say that I also like to be there again and that I am with Kate they look surprised, but don't say much about it. After chatting for a while, the principal takes me aside. He asks me how it is all going. I decide to be open and honest with him. What he can appreciate.

Ten minutes later I'm back with Kate and Josh and it's time to go inside. "What did the principal say?". "I told him everything honestly. He appreciated that. He says he never noticed. It was only when I called to submit my resignation that a light went on with him. He didn't do anything about it then, because with that I had made the only right choice. And that he was happy to see us together." We give each other a big kiss. This response is a relief. Kate's classmates now see us too and I hold Kate's hand again firmly. Everyone reacts really nice. The parents don't seem to have a problem with it either. Except for Christian's father. "Outrageous. I just thought my kids could go to school safely here." I can see from Kate that she wants to say something, so turn I her face my way and shake my head. His wife is now speaking. "Listen to who says it Roderick. You know yourself what love can do to you. Weren't you so happily married when I became your new assistant. How many years did it take before you dared to tell your ex. Then this is neatly resolved and look at those two ladies shining next to each other." Nobody says anything further and luckily we are all now being asked to sit down.

The graduation ceremony is about to begin. Kate sits next to me with Josh on her lap. I wrap my arm around her shoulder so she can cuddle up against me. Her hand never leaves my belly. The students are called forward one by one. They then receive their diploma and they all tell their story about their school period. It is beautiful to see and hear. Kate is the last to turn. She gives me and my belly a kiss and then wants to walk forward. She doesn't get very far because Josh takes her hand. "Do you want to go with mama?". Josh nods when Kate asks him. With a big smile she take his hand and then walk forward together. I'm so proud to see them walking together like this. She receives her diploma and then stands in front of the group somewhat awkwardly. "Uhm I actually didn't expect to have to say something. I'm not that good at this". She looks at me and I give her an encouraging nod and then Josh starts pulling at her too. She lifts him up and immediately seems a lot more confident. Then she starts her story. "The first year here at school was difficult. When I finally got used to it, we were told that my mother was seriously ill. My father had been out of the picture for a long time. So I was on my own a bit. , because I wanted to be there for my mother. I had to do that year again and then came to this class. What a very nice class. They have always understood everything and when I was having a hard time I could go to everyone I want to thank you sincerely for that. You helped me during the most difficult period of my life. Fortunately, everything is fine with my mother now. Love you mom!". She blown her mother a kiss and Josh imitates her. There is some laughter in the quiet room.

"And yeah then the first day of school two years ago". She looks at me lovingly. The rest I think is very curious about the story. "I bumped into the woman of my dreams. Not that I knew it then. Just knew that I was upset. It took a long time before I realized that I had fallen in love with a woman. More and more it became clear that it was mutual. We both fought hard against the feelings. Our first kiss came in England. After that we avoided each other for weeks. Knowing that what had happened was wrong. Subconsciously I met her weeks later, during an English test , I asked her on a date. That same night we had our first real date. We saw each other often outside of school. When I had to babysit this beautiful boy and we have always been friendly, sometimes with a lot of effort. But now we went really on a date. For my classmates. It was the day I had to hand in my cellphone during mentorship. From then on we couldn't help it no matter how hard we fought for it. It went through ups and downs. Because you know that you're doing is forbidden and nobody at school could know anything about it. On a Friday night it became too much for me. As much as I was deeply in love with this woman and growing closer to Josh. I thought it was too heavy and then let her know that I couldn't do it anymore. The following Monday she announced her resignation in front of the class. It was only then that I heard it for the first time. Then I was absolutely sure. I want to grow old with this woman and got on my knees for her during lunch break. As a result, we board the plane to Australia tonight. Where we will say yes to each other in two weeks. Everyone will have noticed that Liesbeth has gained some weight. We are expecting twins. If all goes well, Josh will have two little brothers in less than four months. Dear Beth, I also think this is a nice place to say once again how very happy you and Josh make me. And I am incredibly proud that you are going to be the mother of our children. I love you". It is wonderful to hear how she tells everything and I am so very proud of her. During the stories of the other students there were already some tears in the people and now I don't think anyone has kept dry anymore. When she comes back, her mother takes Josh over from her, who then takes him to stay with them. Kate sits down next to me again and I give her a long kiss. "I love you so much and I am very proud of you".

The rest of the evening is pleasant. Kate stands all evening with her arms around me, with her hands on my belly. It feels great to be able to tell it all now. It's a day to remember. Then it's time to say goodbye to everyone and get ready for the flight to Australia.

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