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I had a restless night. Must be the nerves. Today is the first day of class. I’m early for school. This way I also have some time to set up my classroom a bit . I left some stuff in the car, so I'll go pick it up. It has become busier in the schoolyard in the meantime. When I almost walk back into the school I see the girl from yesterday sitting on a bench. I find myself having to restrain myself not to wave at her. Even if I did, she probably wouldn't see it anyway. I now also realize that she was also a reason for the restless night. The collision replayed in my head a few more times. It's the second time that a girl keeps me awake from my sleep. But I must soon forget this one. It's a student here at school.

The bell has rung. The first hour I stand in front of my mentor group. I decide to let the students go inside first. They don't know yet that they will have a new mentor, so I can introduce myself to everyone at once. I take deep breath before entering the classroom. "Good morning all. Hello, I am Miss. Smith your new mentor for this year”. Someone is already shouting across the class. “But we still have Mr Clarke”. “Next time, please raise your hand first and don't shout around the class like that. That makes it a bit messy. But for this time I will answer it. Mr Clark decided three weeks ago to enjoy his retirement.” There is some talking in the class, so I wait for a while until it becomes quiet again. “So as I said, I am Miss. Smith your new mentor. You may also address me as Liesbeth. You also have English from me.” I now quietly look around the classroom. It strikes me that it is almost exclusively boys. Only when I look at the back of the class I do see two girls sitting there. I'm a little scared. One of those two is the girl from yesterday. I didn't expect her in my class. I thought she was a little older. When I realize that my eyes linger in hers for a moment, I quickly look away. The boy sitting in front of her turns to her and says something. I can't understand. She gives him a playful pat on the head. I don't know why but it annoys me. “When you're done with each other, you can pay attention again. I don't have that many rules. Be on time. Finish your work. Raise your hand if you want to say something. You are allowed to talk to each other softly, if the work allows it and you do not disturb others with it. When I am speaking I like to draw attention to it. Also, don't run down the hallway and watch where you're walking." I couldn't resist adding a comment about yesterday. And give the girl a wink. I see that it makes her blush, which makes me smile.

“Is there anything else you would like to know about me?”. It takes a while before there is a response, but then someone raises their hand. "How old are you?". "I'm 26". The next raises his hand. "Do you have a boyfriend". I shake my head. “No I am not in love, engaged or married”. When I say that, I unconsciously look at the girl again. It seems I want her to know that. I say to myself that I have to get her out of my head, that it really isn't possible and then quickly look away. “I live with my son Josh. But enough about me. Now it's your turn. When I mention your name, tell me a little bit about yourself.” It is a small group, with only 16 students. One by one I go down them. I really have to do my best to keep up with the thoughts and listen to what everyone has to say. That only works half way. I notice that I am actually mainly interested in someone's story. She is apparently last on the list. “Kate Wilson you are the last”. I look at her when I say her name. She also looks at me with those beautiful eyes. She begins her story nervously. “Well I'm uhm….. Kate”. I startle myself when I notice that I'm still staring at her and quickly look away. “I am the oldest here. Namely 17. Live an hour away from here with my mother”. She continues with her story, but doesn't get very far. The bell rings, end of class. I say goodbye to the students and that I will see them again during the last hour of the day. Kate is the last to leave the classroom. Before she leaves the classroom, she glances back at me. Without wanting to, I give her a wink. Luckily she can laugh about it.

I'm glad I don't have a class for second hour. This way I can prepare for the next lesson. I just can’t focus on it. My thoughts are with Kate. I'm curious about her story. I try to speak to myself that she is a student of mine and that I must keep my distance.

The rest of the day goes smoothly. I've had some fun classes. It is always exciting for every new class. It's break now. After this I only have my mentor group for an hour. They will have English class from me, but I also think it is a good opportunity to get to know them a little better. I have some time and decide to skype with Hannah. "Hey sister how do you like the first real day so far?". It doesn't take long for her to pick up. "Yeah, fine. I've only had great classes and have a nice mentor group." I tell her. "Nice to hear. And that nice one with those beautiful green eyes seen walking by today?". Hannah asks with a laugh. "Han... I just shouldn't have told you anything." I feel my cheeks turn red. "Okay to notice your reaction, you have." I nod. "She's in my mentor group". My sister laughs out loud when I say that. "Sorry this is actually not to laugh, but can't help it sister. It’s really something for you. For the first time in, what will it be about eight years, I can see that someone has impressed you. And then it's off-limits". I take a deep breath. "Yes I know. Since Anna there has been no one who has impressed me. Until yesterday. But I have to hang out. My mentor group is coming, they now have English". "Good luck". I don't even respond to it and close my laptop.

The consequences of a collision ( Girlxgirl Teacherxstudent )Where stories live. Discover now