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A gentle hand started to caress your hair. You lifted your tear-stained face from your knees.

"Please do not upset yourself, Kat, I am fine" Near smiled.

"Oh Nearie I was so worried, I'm sorry you were hurt because of me" You tightly hugged him.

He hugged back almost immediately, tightly clinging to you as if his life depended on it, inhaling your sweet scent.

That's strange, he usually doesn't react to my hugs...

You pulled away, "Let's go to your room Nearie, you can rest and I'll play with your hair until you fall asleep."

He smiled at the thought, "Yes I'd like that."


Near lay down on his bed as you climbed onto it, pulling the covers over his body. He wasn't used to someone genuinely caring about him, so he just froze. For the first time, he was unsure what to do next.

You eye his snow-white locks and hesitantly reach your hand to stroke his soft hair. "Your hair is very soft Nearie, you should tell me your hair care routine." You giggle, gently twirling his hair between your fingers.

He blushes slightly, "Thank you..." he says in a monotone voice.

You begin playing with his fluffy hair. "I enjoy your presence" he sighs, closing his eyes and melting into your touch.

"Near... Thanks for trying to protect me from Mello, but you shouldn't have done that. You know how violent he is, especially towards you."

"Nonsense, I will never allow him to hurt you in any way," he said, his usually monotone voice showing a hint of protectiveness.

He's continuing the strange behaviour from earlier...


After a while of playing with his hair, you assumed he had fallen asleep and tiptoed back into your room.

You lay in your bed, head swarming with thoughts.

Near has been acting differently around me lately...

He used to reject all physical contact, but now he seems eager for my touch...

The way he stood up to Mello for me, knowing well how Mello would hurt him because of it.

He's acting quite clingy...Not that I mind or anything...

Wait, what am I saying?!

Your mind drifted off... You thought of the way he caressed your cheek...

The way he held your hand... hugged you tightly, while breathing in your scent...

His big panda eyes, and how they twinkled every time he smiled at you...

How your stomach felt tingly when he called you beautiful for the first time.

You were a blushing mess just thinking about it.

You knew you were catching strong feelings for Near, but you were afraid of these new feelings and if he even returned them.

Before you could stress yourself any longer your eyelids began to feel heavy, and you felt yourself fall into a deep slumber.





You opened your eyes and glanced at the alarm clock

"4:23 AM"


Ugh, what's going on...

You tiredly sit up, rubbing your eyes.
You reach for your lamp switch and turn it on.

"Oh my god Nearie what are you doing here" you gasp

Near was sitting right by your bed on the floor, drawing a picture of you.

"I wanted to be here for you in case you had one of your nightmares again," he said casually.

"That's really sweet but you need to get some sleep too Near. Also, what is that?" you point to the drawing of you in his hands.

"Oh, this? I figured I should entertain myself while watching over you, so I drew a portrait of you." He handed you the paper.

You felt yourself blush, the way he was talking about what he was doing so casually. He was acting like him sneaking into your room, watching you, and drawing a picture of you while you slept was a casual thing to do.

You took the paper from him.
Oh my god...
This is beautiful...

He had drawn you beautifully. It was a realistic sketch of you sleeping with the stuffed animal Near had made for you in art class a few months back.

Above it, he had written "An illustration of my kitty Kat"


You didn't know if your should blush or laugh.

"Oh, Nearie this is beautiful! Thank you so much!" you placed your hand on his cheek.

"You think so? You are very welcome Kat" he smiled, eyes sparkling.

"Is it alright if I keep this?"

"Yes, of course. You may do anything you please with it"

"I'm actually really tired Near, can I go to sleep?" you yawn.

"Yes, Kat, I will be here if you get a bad dream" he twirled his hair, not once breaking eye contact.

"But you need to sleep too"

"I would like to help you relax" he got up from his seat on the floor.

"Lie down" he commanded.

He sat at the edge of your bed and began playing with your hair, the same way you played with his earlier.

His touch was so gentle and loving as if you were his whole world as if you were made of glass.

You felt your eyelids get heavy once more...

"Sweet dreams kitty"


Ahh sorry for the wait!

I seem to be the master of procrastination lol.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

(: <3

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