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Mello growled as he raised up his fist angrily, aiming it towards Near.

"Mello stop!! Do you really want to get detention again?" Matt struggled to hold Mello's arm back.

"She's MINE Near! What part of that do you not understand?! What makes you think you can put your dirty lips on MY girl sheep boy?!" Mello was shaking in anger.

It scared you how someone could be so delusional. Mello had been going on and on with the y/n's MY girl business for years, despite you not even showing the slightest bit of interest in him.

He probably doesn't even like me, this is all just part of his competition with Near...

"Kat and I are in a relationship now Mello, I believe it would be best if you'd stop pursuing her," Near said in his usual monotone voice.

What is he doing? Is he trying to provoke him?

"WHAT DID YOU SAY NEAR? You WHAT?" Mello wiggled out of Matt's grasp and pushed Near to the floor.

"Mello stop!!" you felt your eyes fill with tears.

You ran towards Near, only to get shoved into the trophy case by Mello.


The trophy case shattered, glass shards piercing your skin.

"Oh, this isn't gonna be good..." Matt winced, noticing the blood running down your arm.

Matt ran towards you and helped you stand up. Blood began to drip on the floor.

Near's eyes widened at the sight of the blood, he began to tremble.

He ran up to you, hugging you tightly.

"Kat! You're bleeding! No no no no, please be ok..." His lower lip began to tremble.

This was the first time you had seen Near panic, he seemed truly frightened. You were honoured that you were the first person that he was this concerned for. He was afraid for you because you're important to him. Because he loves you.

He loves you...

"I feel dizzy" Suddenly you fell limp in Near's arms.

"Kat! NO! Please be okay! Please don't leave me!" Near was sobbing now.

The whole orphanage surrounded you and Near. The children were all surprised at how the usual monotone and emotionless Near was now sobbing and screaming at the top of his lungs.

You felt your head get heavy, and soon everything went black...



The nurses pried Near off of you as they put you in a stretcher, rushing you to the infirmary.

Near desperately ran after them. But it was no use, the doctors did not allow him to come inside the surgery room.

He sat outside the door weeping...

Please let her be ok, she's all I have left.

I can't live without her, she's my everything, she's my whole life...

She's the only one who takes all of my pain and trauma away...

Kat showed me the love and kindness my parents never did.

She's the reason why I feel like myself again...

Like Nate River again...

Near's thoughts were interrupted by the doctor coming out of the door.

TW (mention of a partially severed wrist vein)

"We need type B blood, urgently too! Her wounds aren't too deep, except for one on her wrist; It was cut open by the glass. We've managed to repair the damage, but she's lost a great deal of blood, so we need a blood donation."

Near got up from the floor. That was his blood type too, he could actually save you.
(Not me literally doing research to figure out his blood type lol)

"I have type B blood! I'll donate! I'll do anything, please!" Near pleaded, face wet with tears.

"Normally we don't take any blood from students, but since this is quite urgent I'll make an exception. Come with me"



"She needs a little bit of rest, but other than that she will be fine"

You began to hear muffled voices.

"Hear that Kitty? You're going to be fine" a soft voice said to you, sniffling slightly.

You felt cold fingers lightly caress your cheek.

You began to open your eyes, seeing Near sitting on the side of your hospital bed. His milky skin is stained with tears, snowy hair messy, and white shirt stained with your blood.

"Nearie? What happened to me?" you whispered, leaning into his touch.

Near frowned "Oh, Mello saw us kiss and realized we are together now. He didn't take it well and caused a scene. He ended up throwing you into the trophy case." remembering what happened caused his voice to be monotone yet again.


You knew Mello had anger issues but you had never imagined that he was capable of being this violent.

"You were injured, the glass from the trophy case had damaged one of your veins. We managed to patch it up but you had lost a lot of blood. Thankfully Near was more than willing to donate his blood to you." The doctor ruffled Near's hair proudly before walking out of the room.

Near saved me...

"Thank you Nearie, you saved me."

"There's no need to thank me, Kat, I am willing to do anything for you. I will die for you if it is necessary." Near smiled, placing a sweet kiss on your lips.

You knew it sounded cliché, but now that Near's blood was literally flowing through your veins you felt closer to him. You felt like he was your missing half that you had finally found.

Near felt the same, the fact that you now had his blood made him much more protective. He was willing to do anything for your safety. Your health and happiness are his top priority now.

You smashed your lips against Near's in a passionate kiss.

You pulled away out of breath, resting your forehead against Near's.

"I won't let that happen again Kitty, I promise I will protect you from now on." he pulled you into a tight embrace.

Near meant every word he said, from now on he would do his best to protect his Kitty.

He would do anything...


Sorry for the extremely late update!!

We're slowly beginning to get more into Near's past, very exciting!!

I kinda feel bad for making Mello so mean though lol.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :) <3 more to come!!

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