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"Ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated, and keep your seatbelts on as we prepare for landing."

Japan sure is beautiful

You thought about what you did wrong at your old jobs and swore not to make the same mistakes at this job as well. You can't afford to get fired again. you can't let Rob and Debbie down like that again.

This job may be dangerous, but the money could open a world of opportunities for you and your family. It could be Rob's cure...


You had just left the airport and were now waiting for a cab. The woman who had interviewed you for the job sent you the address, as well as special pins and codes so you'd be able to get through their very extensive security system.

The taxi driver kindly helped you with your luggage, placing them in the trunk as you sat anxiously inside the cab.

"Where to Miss?" The cab driver turned on the engine.


The bright Tokyo street signs lit up the sky, reflecting against everything and everyone around them.

You watched the people walk by, not worrying about the serial killer that has been magically killing people with just a name and a face. For most people, life went on.

Kira was on the loose, and he had to be stopped, but that would not come without a cost. For Kira to be caught many have and will have to die.

It worried you that you might become one of Kira's casualties. But it was too late now, you were already on your way to your new job.

Secretary of the SPK...who's trying to take down Kira...

I really hope Kira makes an exception for the secretary... I mean technically I'm not taking him down directly...


You'd arrived at the address that had been given to you. A tall blonde woman dressed in business attire was waiting for you outside the main doors.

You looked up to see a huge glass building, with more floors than you could count.

Damn the person who runs this must be loaded.

"Hello, you must be Y/N L/N, our new secretary. I'm Halle Lidner, the woman you spoke to on the phone." She began to guide you through the large glass doors, gliding through security effortlessly.

You wouldn't lie, you wished you were more like her. Her presence was intimidating, her beauty eye-catching. She carried herself in a way that you would never imagine ever being capable of.

"I am a member of the SPK, and I was given the task of selecting a secretary by N, the head member. Not many people are willing to work at a job as dangerous as this, and your background check was clear, so I picked you."

The fact that you were only chosen for this job because no one else wanted it wasn't exactly what you had wanted to hear.

"Don't worry though, I'm sure you're more than fit for the job." It was almost as if she had read your mind.

Halle took you up an elevator and showed you your room, which was all the way up on floor 25...

The room was modern and big, bigger than any room you had ever had before. It had its own kitchen and seating area, accompanied by a T.V. It had two smaller rooms inside that were the bedroom and bathroom.

"Wow, this is amazing."

"I hope the room is to your liking."

"Of course, it's better than any hotel I've ever stayed at" not that you had stayed at many, but your point still stands.

"Now we'll go over your responsibilities as the SPK secretary. You will forward the phone calls to N, prepare and organize reports, help document all of the information we find, organize messages, and other less important things that we will discuss later."

"I promise I will do the best I can, I won't let the SPK down." you smiled.

"It's not me who's going to be the judge of that. The person who you'll be spending the most time with is N. I do have to warn you that he is very particular about the efficiency of the way things have to be done, he's the one who you will have to try hard to impress."

This N guy seems to be really hard to please, what are the odds of another cranky old man being my boss again this time?

I just hope he's nicer than they were, but considering how much more is at stake at this job, I really doubt it.

"N is waiting to talk to you on floor 15, that is where our main floor is. Please get settled in and make your way down in 30 minutes."

She left you alone in the room, you decided to explore a bit before freshening up in preparation for meeting your new boss.

The kitchen was already stocked. Pans, utensils, you name it. The fridge was packed too.

Wow, they really went all out, they were more desperate for a secretary than I'd thought.

The bathroom was the same; stocked with toiletries, hair products, and even makeup.

The windows were floor-to-ceiling length, showcasing a beautiful view of the city.

That's enough exploring for now, I better get ready to meet my boss, I don't wanna risk being late and getting on his bad side on the first day...


You stepped out of your room, making sure to lock the door as Halle told you to do. You had spent the past 20 minutes getting ready and mentally preparing yourself for meeting your new boss. You had to get it right this time, you couldn't get fired again. You couldn't do that to Debbie and Rob.

You got on the elevator and watched as the floor numbers got smaller and smaller.


You took a deep breath and exited the elevator.

It's going to be different this time Y/N, I'm sure of it...

You entered the main room and there was only one person there.

N, you assumed.

...Sitting on the floor...

...Wearing white pyjamas...?

Huh, well this is different...

Okay, whatever, I need to introduce myself and make a really good first impression.

His back was to you, meaning he probably hadn't noticed you were there yet.

You walked all the way up to N, giving him a wide smile "Hello N, I'm the new secretary Y/N L/N, I'm honoured to be working for you."

N turned around, his eyes locking with yours.

He stared at you in silence as his eyes filled with tears.




Sorry for the wait, I'm really gonna try to post more consistently now!
Next chapter soon!!

Have a great day! :)

EDIT: To clear up the confusion, Kat is the alias Y/N had while in Wammy's. Near doesn't know Y/N's real name since she never had a chance to tell him, which is why he calls Y/N Kat since that's the name he knows her as.

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