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A few hours after your departure Mello finally let Near out of the room.
Near ran to your room, with Mello walking behind him.

Near's jaw dropped when he saw that the room was empty.

Your belongings were all gone, it was like you were never there to begin with.

A little white piece of paper caught Near's eye.

It was a note...


I understand, I'm sorry I made you feel that way... Words can't explain how devastated I am. You taught me that people could actually love me and be my friend (which I now know is impossible, according to your letter). I feel foolish for even believing you liked me in the first place, I was so blind. I will end your suffering Near, I will leave Wammy's forever. You will never see me again. You can pretend I never existed. I hope my presence didn't cause you too much pain. In the end, just know that I did love you Nearie, my feelings were genuine... I hope you enjoy the rest of your life.



You were gone...

The realization settled in as tears ran down Near's pale cheeks.

Kat... I love you too...I'm so sorry...

He did love you... He loved you so much.

He was going to tell you this soon of course. But now you were gone. His Kitty was gone...

You had helped him become his normal self again. The Nate River which was buried under all the childhood trauma was just starting to resurface.

And it was all thanks to you.

He had never experienced this kind of love before, you were his everything... No, you ARE his everything. And you always will be.

"Where is she?? Mello, where is she??" Near shoved Mello into the wall.

"I don't know Near," Mello replied with an infuriating shrug.

"MELLO! You wrote that letter! Tell me where she is!!"

Mello wrote the note with the intention to upset you and to cause you and Near to break up. However, he didn't think you would run away. He almost felt bad, after all, he did have feelings for you.

"I didn't think she would run away. I didn't see her leaving Wammy's, I walked away from her door when I was sure she had read the letter!"

"No no no no no, this can't be happening..."

Near ran to Roger's office to report you missing.

"Roger! Kat's gone! She ran away! Please find her, she could be in danger walking alone outside at night!"

"Wait what?" Roger blinked in shock.

"Please Roger! We need to bring her back as soon as possible!" Near's monotone voice was replaced by a desperate one, full of worry.

Roger's eyes widened in shock. He had never seen Near like this... so emotional.

Roger called the police immediately and reported you missing. He described your appearance for them and told them Wammy's address.
"They should be on their way now Near" The old man ruffled Near's hair reassuringly.

"I can't just wait for the police to come. We need to go out and find her!" Near ran out of Roger's office.

Roger grabbed Near by the arm, stopping him.
"I'm afraid I can't allow that Near, I can't risk you going missing."

Near's heart dropped. Why didn't Roger understand? He couldn't be away from you, you were his reason for living. How could Roger expect him to live without you? It was impossible.

Near's eyes filled with tears.
"Let me go, Roger! Please! I can't live without her! I need to go find her! She could be in danger! She needs me. I love her! Please let me go!!" Near desperately tried to free himself from the old man's grasp.

"Near, you are L's successor. I cannot risk anything happening to you. Therefore, you are not allowed to leave. Be patient. I know Kat was important to you, but this is out of your hands. The police will be on their way soon, it's best to leave this up to the professionals."

"No, I have to-" Near felt a sharp sting in his arm.

"I'm sorry Near, but this is for your own good."
The nurse had injected him with a sedative...

Near felt the world around him getting fuzzy.

His eyelids started to get heavy, as the muffled sounds around him began to fade.

I can't let her get away from me...

I have to find her, I need to explain myself...

The outside world is dangerous Kat, please be careful...

I promise I'll find you soon...

And then his world faded to black...



Happy new year! I hope 2022 treats all of you well :)

I'm going to do my best to put out new chapters before school starts!

Have a great day :)

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