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"Kat, is that really you?"

What is this guy talking about?

"Umm, there must be some sort of mistake sir, my name is Y/N L/N. I was hired for the secretary position."

It was like he hadn't even heard you.

"I thought you were dead. They told me you were dead." he hugged you suddenly, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"But I finally found you. I finally found my Kat." he sighed, inhaling your sweet scent.

"Umm... I'm sorry. I think you've made some sort of mistake. My name isn't Kat, and to be honest this whole hugging and sniffing thing is starting to freak me out." you pushed him away.

"What do you mean? You don't remember me? Was our time together so unimportant to you?" you had never seen anyone so hurt.


"Or was it the letter? I swear Kat it was not me who wrote it, it was Mello! I would never ever say those things to you. I loved you- no, I still love you! I would never and will never hurt you I swear!" he grabbed your arms, shaking you.

Loved me?

No Y/N, remember he's talking about this girl named Kat. He's obviously confused, insane or hallucinating, possibly all three.

It would have been nice if someone felt this way about me though...

"I have no idea what you're talking about Mr. N. What letter? Who's Mello?" you had never been more confused.

"You mean you do not remember? How is this possible? We were in a happy relationship." his eyes scanned your face eagerly, waiting for an answer.

"We have never met until today, let alone dated. Are you okay?" you asked concearned.

This guy must be on something...


I can always tell when someone is lying. They begin to perspire, avoid eye contact, their pupils dilate, and they cannot stop fidgeting.

You are not lying.

I would never expect anything else from my Kat. Your heart is pure and you would never lie. But then what is this about not remembering me...about not remembering us.

What we had was real, there is no doubt about it. It is impossible that what we had was just a figment of my imagination. It was real Kat...you were real.

Then why is it that you do not remember? You see my desperation and sense my yearning for your touch, yet you push me away. The Kat I knew would never have done that.

But you are Kat. Your beautiful eyes still sparkle the same as before. Your hair still holds the same shine. Your voice has matured but still does not fail to soothe me as it did before.

You do not remember us. This is not unordinary, the human psyche can not throw away memories of a portion of human life so easily. Something must have happened to you.

What happened Kat?


"You do not remember," N stated simply.

Okay, this know-it-all is starting to piss me off.

"What? Who are you to tell me what I do or do not remember?" you scoffed.

"Follow me." he ignored your remark, grabbing your hand and leading you to the elevator.

"Hey let me go!" you tried to escape his iron grip, but to no avail.

He pressed the elevator button that lead to the highest floor, a floor that required a passcode to open.

You couldn't help but notice that the passcode was the year you were born.

Now, this is getting creepy...

"Where are we going? You can't just drag me somewhere without telling me. I'm scared!"

"You have nothing to fear. I am simply taking you to my room," he said cooly.

Great, this strange guy who claims I'm his long-lost love is taking me to his room.

I'll be lucky if I don't end up murdered.

The elevator door opened to a large apartment-style floor.

N had his own fancy kitchen, living room, and bedroom.

You couldn't help but smile when you noticed the toys and cards scattered across the living room floor.

A child at heart?

He lead you to his bedroom, where he pulled out a photo album.

"This is a collection of our pictures from when we were at Wammy's."

He pulled out three pictures, all of which had both of you in them.

The first was you and him playing a game of cards together, your face annoyed as it seemed that N had won the game.

The second was you and N cuddling in front of a pond, you holding a baby duck.

And the last one was you and him...kissing.

You felt your cheeks heat up.

So he wasn't lying... we did date. But why don't I remember it?

It is true that there's a portion of my life I don't remember. I remember what happened in my early childhood, up until when my dad died. I also remember waking up in the hospital and seeing Rob and Debbie after getting hit by a car. But what happened in between is completely missing.

I must have forgotten N. I seemed awfully happy in those pictures, I must have really loved him, and from the way he reacted when seeing me for the first time, he must have really loved me too.

"You weren't lying," you said, astonished.

"Of course not," N whispered.

"Why don't I remember, it seemed like it was a beautiful period of my life." you began to tear up.

You had dreamt of having someone who truly loved you all your life, and you finally got that. Yet you somehow managed to forget it all.

"I remember my life up until the moment my father died. And then I remember waking up in the hospital after getting hit by a car. But the memories of the years that went by in between are totally gone." you sobbed, burying your head in your hands.

"Please do not cry Ka-sorry, Y/n, I will help you remember. I will tell you the story of our love from the beginning. I remember it all, it's all I think of. The best years of my life." he smiled kindly.

"Okay," you smiled, brushing your tears away.

"Well then, let us start from the beginning, shall we?" he said comedically, clearing his throat.

"Yes, yes," you nodded, giggling.

His face seemed to light up at the sound of your laugh.

"Well then, once upon a time there was a small orphan boy with white hair. He was all alone in the world... that is until you came along..."


...Not Near having a Joe Goldberg style internal monologue lol.

HELLO!! Sorry for the delayed chapter.

Even when midterms are over I still don't get to have a break apparently lol.

I'm curious about what mbti (personality type) the readers of this story are. (I'm an INFP :') ) Feel free to comment what type if you're comfortable, I'd love to know. :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)))!!

More chapters soon!!

Have a great day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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