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"Y/N!!! I said GET OVER HERE!"

You grumbled, I mean, did you really need a job?

The answer is yes, yes you did.

"Coming boss..." You trudged over to your boss's desk.

Mr. Wellbottom, your boss, was sitting there with his usual grumpy facial expression, pointing to his empty mug.

"I asked you for coffee exactly 3 minutes ago... SO WHERE'S MY DAMN COFFEE???"

"I'm truly sorry Mr.Wellbottom, I was organizing your files. I'll bring you a coffee right away."

You were 19 now, and you had taken a gap year in university, as you wanted to help save up money to pay for Rob's surgeries. He had done so much for you in the past few years and treated you as if you were his own daughter. It broke your heart seeing him in so much pain, and to see how Betty wept in fear of her husband's demise.

After adopting you, Betty and Rob decided that a change in environment would be best for you. Which prompted their decision that the three of you move to Los Angeles, California. Betty had said being somewhere so sunny and bright would do wonders for your mental health.

After moving to Los Angeles you auditioned for a famous arts high school, in hopes of building your credentials to become an art teacher. You got in immediately, impressing the school staff with your raw talent.

Life was great.

You made lots of friends in your new high school, and Betty and Rob happily supported you in every decision you made. You even briefly dated a few guys in your high school, I mean...who could resist the charms of stylish art students? Most important of all, you met Meghan, your best friend. You two never left each other's side the moment you met, and haven't looked back since. You were so happy.

But you couldn't help but feel there was something missing. You still couldn't remember your life before the accident. Maybe you had left someone important behind...

But you couldn't worry about that now, there were more important things than a hypothetical person you'd abandoned. Rob was sick.

His health had deteriorated ever since he had his first grief-induced heart attack on what would have been Daisy's 18th birthday.

The doctors said he needed several surgeries to have a chance at survival, but Rob and Betty could not afford so many surgeries. Rob was unable to work - doctor's orders, and Betty's shifts at the local restaurant plus overtime could only pay so much. So you had taken an off year in university in hopes of helping the people who had helped you so much, even if it meant postponing your dreams of becoming an art teacher.

You had been hopping from job to job for the past 2 months, working at a coffee shop, daycare, and a call center. You had somehow managed to get fired from every single job, despite being more than qualified.

You had been working as a receptionist for about a month now, at an office that sells school supplies. You came to learn that your boss was horrible, and loved to abuse his power over his employees, especially you.

He constantly ordered you around, threatened to fire you, and called you incompetent. You were so tired, but you pushed through it, as you desperately needed the money.

"Here's your coffee sir," You said as you gently placed the coffee mug on his desk.

He took a sip, immediately spitting it out all over your shirt. "What is this garbage?! Is this what you call coffee?! You incompetent fool!"

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