We love you no matter what

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I returned to the new common room afterwards, it didn't seem like anyone was in though, were they still out looking? I sat down on the sofa for a moment.

What was I even going to say to Blaise when he got back? Oh sorry for being a dramatic bitch please forgive me?

I didn't have time to dwell on it as the door opened again and everyone filed in. I pushed myself I'm down on the sofa so maybe they wouldn't see me, it actually worked for a while as they spoke.

"Blaise it'll be okay. Ron's my brother he'll turn up." I heard Ginny say.

"But its all my fault, I didn't let him and I should've- god he probably hates me."

"He doesn't hate you." Harry said softly, "Ron isn't cape able of hate, no matter what he thinks."

"I'm worried about him Harry." Hermione said. "He hasn't been himself lately."

"He's not eating, has gotten quieter and after today. I don't know what's going on." I fought the urge to sit up but wanted to hear more.

"I know... somethings wrong and it annoys me that I don't know what it is."

"The guys confused." Seamus said, "he thought he was straight up until now. I mean so did the rest of us but he's taking it pretty hard."

"He'll drive himself crazy. He hates not being in control, things moving too quickly. It stresses him out."

"Why?" Theo asked.

"He's Ron. He cares about the little things."

"I hope he comes back." Ginny said.

"Hey like you said he'll turn up."

"Hedwig?" The snowy owl was tapping on the window with her beak. Harry was confused and opened the window for her, so flew in landing in front of me.

"Hedwig! You gave me away!" I said sitting up and stroking the owl.


"Yeah, yeah it's me. I've been here the whole time." I said focusing on the letter that the owl had brought.

"Who's that from?" George asked,

"Mum and Dad." I said holding the letter in my hands.

"Are you gonna open it?" Pansy asked.

"I want to." I said my hands shaking. I felt the sofa dip next to me and looked up. Blaise had sat down.


"I know." I said softly before he said anything, he nodded and I smiled softly at him.

"Do you want me to do it?" He asked gesturing at the letter.

"No I can do it." I said unconvincingly.

"You sure? Because you haven't moved?"

"I kinda told Mum and Dad about the soulmate stuff, they don't know that I'm somewhat gay, to be frank neither did I but I told them and I'm kinda freaking out..."

"You told them." Fred said in disbelief.

"I don't say anything about you guys and Lee, I thought I'd let you explain than yourself." They nodded.

"Okay." I took a deep breath. "I can do this." I pulled the back open pulling out the bit of paper from inside unfolding it. My eyes scanned the page.

Dear Ron,

We love you no matter what.


Mum and Dad x

Slotted together // Blairon Soulmate auWhere stories live. Discover now