Nothing important

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"So I have to buy two presents now?" Blaise said and I hit him.

"Ow!" Noah giggled and I couldn't help but smile.

"I just can't believe I didn't realise."

"Look it's gonna be a few years before he actually realises what a birthday is so we'll just break the news to him then." Blaise shrugged.

"I mean it's not a bad thing I don't mind sharing my birthday but you know it's never been a day I loved to celebrate." I said sadly before adding "And Draco made sure there were two reasons for that."

"Look what happened then is in the past. We're happy now, really happy." I nodded.

"I know, I just don't want to be miserable on my child's birthday."

"You won't, because it'll be your child's birthday." Blaise said, "And that's one of the best days of a parents life." I smiled.

"You're right."

"Of course I am." He kissed my forehead softly.

"I also did some reading about teething and it says really anything cold helps a lot. So I put the teething rings Amanda gave us in the fridge so they would cool." I stood up getting them out from the shelf.

"There were teething rings?" Blaise said and I rolled my eyes. I took Noah's dummy out and gave him the teething ring before he could cry. He studied to for a moment but doing what all babies do with something new and put it in his mouth.

"I bet mum will have some tricks." I said watching Noah chew on the ring.

"We should take him round." Blaise said and I nodded.

"She still doesn't know we actually got a baby. Unless Ginny or the twins told her but I certainly haven't."

"Well owl her and ask if we can pop round this afternoon. I'm sure she won't mind." I nodded and started to write the letter.

* * * *

Due to Noah's problem with lying on his back I had to carry him up to Mum's. We'd fed and changed him before we left and I just prayed that he would be as much of an angel with Mum and Dad as he was with us. I knocked on the door and it opened a few seconds later.

"Bill?" I said in disbelief.

"Ron?" He mocked then saw Noah, "And child? Who might this be?" He said and then he spotted Blaise. Sure I had told him, Charlie and Percy about Blaise and all the soulmate stuff but they had never actually met before.

"Is this Blaise?" I nodded.

"Nice to meet you mate." Bill held out his hand and Blaise shook it.

"You too."

"Where's mum?" I asked and Bill stepped to the side and let us in.

"Mum?" I called. She appeared from the kitchen and gasped when she saw Noah in my arms.

"No way." She said and I nodded,

"Mum meet Noah Arthur Zabini. Your grandson."

"What!" Bill roared. I covered Noah's ears.

"No way have you had a kid before me!" I rolled my eyes.

"Keep your voice down." I hissed.

Slotted together // Blairon Soulmate auWhere stories live. Discover now