Harry fricking Potter

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I finally turned round seeing everyone staring at me.

"Where's Ron?"

"He went outside, he couldn't watch." Hermione said sadly Pansy's arm wrapped around her.

"He's going to catch a cold in that weather." I said running outside.

"Ron!" I said going over to him. "What are you doing it's freezing?"

"Jake did that to him didn't he?" He said softly,

"Ron come inside-"

"Didn't he?" He said louder and I nodded.

"Oh god..." he said a tear falling down his face.

"Hey don't you even start to blame yourself."

"But if I'd have just been a good friend then Harry wouldn't have been on his own for a month." He said and I shook my head.

"Jake is a monster, that's it. You had no idea what he was doing! Harry will be okay, Draco's with him."

"Can I see him?"

"Yeah, of course." We went back inside and Harry was back downstairs with Draco laughing with the others and smiling. The room went quiet then we came in.

"Hey." Ron said awkwardly.

"Hi..." Harry stood up.

"I'm sorry about what happened." Ron said and I mentally facepalmed.

"Thanks... I'm sorry-"

"Oh shut up and let me hug you." Ron said and Harry smiled. Ron held into Harry tight.

"Don't you ever go through something like that alone ever again!"

"Don't plan on it." Harry wiped his eyes pulling back. Ron smiled.

"Now tell me everything, and I mean everything." He said firmly and Harry nodded sitting back down.

"It started as soon as I met him really..." he sighed, "Jake approached me in the Library and seemed all nice helping me get some books down and then we'd sat together for a while and he started to put his- his hand up my thigh." Draco grit his teeth.

"Obviously I asked him what the fuck he thought he was doing but he um didn't stop till I got up..."

"Then what happened?"

"Well he dragged me back down and um he- he started to whisper in my ear."

"What did he say?" Draco asked,

"Stuff he wanted to do to me." Harry said embarrassed putting his head in his hands. "Please don't ask for details."

"Somehow the rather one sided conversation got round to you guys and he said if I didn't stop being friends with you guys he would- he would hurt you all..."

"Then you can guess all the stuff that happened after..."

"He didn't just hurt you did he Harry?" I asked softly and Harry shook his head.

"These marks are where he held on to my hope to stop me from moving." Harry lifted his shirt showing the finger marks. I could also see Draco's name still in black ink on his side. There were cuts over that as

"He tried to cut your name out." Harry said looking down, it didn't hurt though. The mark seemed to protect me from harm in that certain area.

"Let me see." Draco said touching Harry's waist, accidentally on the finger marks. Harry gasped and Draco removed his hand but they were gone?

"Did I hurt you!" Draco said and Harry shook his head.

"N-no it was like a cold feeling when you touched them."

"Look they're gone." Seamus said pointing at whee the marks would have been.

"Wait touch this one." Harry said turning round and showing a rather big one on his back. Draco touched it and Harry shivered but again the mark disappeared.

"Oh thank god! That one was killing me!"

"Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Draco has healing powers somehow?" Theo said in disbelief.

"Wait I have a theory." I said

"Ron do you have any cuts or bruises?"

"Yeah one on my knee from hitting it off a wall the other day."

"Show me." Ron lifted his pyjama leg up and I touched the bruise, he jolted as the coldness hit him but when I removed my fingers the mark was gone.

"Holy shit!" Ginny cursed. Arthur gave her a disapproving look. Harry and Draco looked at each other.

"We can heal each other." Harry said,

"We all can."

"Screw the bandages then show me them bruises Potter!" Harry chuckled lifting his sleeves up and Draco touched every little nick Harry had.

"I could heal your scar you know. If you wanted me to." Draco said pointing at it.

"It's okay. I like it, reminds me of who I really am. Not this boy with a chain and rings, the boy with a bit of blonde hair. I'm the boy with glasses, dark hair and no fashion sense. I'm Harry fricking Potter." I saw Harry glance at me and Ron when he said that and I smiled, so did Ron.

There was a few minutes of silence as Draco touched the last bruises until Harry spoke again.



"Truth or dare?" Draco played along.


"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room."

"I will most certainly do that." Draco pressed his lips to Harry's softly their marks burning gold. It seemed like neither of them cared not jumping apart when it hurt a little but breaking apart when they wanted to. It was sweet.

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