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"This is not okay, this is not okay, this is not okay!" Ron said to himself as he stared down at his leg. I sighed.

"Ron it'll heal, Madame Pomfrey is a genius!"

"You'll be fine dear." Mrs Weasley said from beside us. Her and Mr Weasley had been called after the Jake incident.

"How are you feeling son?" Mr Weasley asked.

"I told you. I'm fine Dad. It only lasted for a second."

"Ron it was the Cruciatus curse. It doesn't matter is it lasted a second!" Molly Ridiculed.

"But I feel fine!" He said back and Molly shook her head.

"What will I do with you boy." Madame Pomfrey came over with multiple bottles of... well something in her hands.

"This should do the trick." She placed all the potions on the bedside table.

"You'll need to take one of everything each morning and night Mr Weasley. You should be okay by the end of the week."

"Like fully okay? Like I can get out of here?"

"There will be some lasting damage as there is of any injury, I heard Mr Potter still has remarkable wrist flexibility. Perhaps you'll be the same."

"Great." Ron muttered.

"Mr Zabini, Professor Dumbledore has requested that you go to see him." She said turning to me. I frowned.

"But I want to stay here with Ron?"

"I'm afraid this is non negotiable, I will allow you to come back afterwards if you would like."


"Blaise it's okay." Ron put his hand on mine. "I love you." I smiled pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"I love you too. I'll be back later." I got up saying goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley before leaving the hospital wing making my way to Dumbledores office.

There was no one outside when I arrived but the golden phoenix seemed to move all by itself spiralling down until I stepped onto it when it retreated leading me up to the headmasters room. I opened the door and was greeted with the faces of my friends.

"Ah Mr Zabini. Please, join us." I nodded standing next to Pansy who sent me a look as if to say "you okay?" I nodded and she turned away.

"How is Mr Weasley?" Dumbledore asked.

"Uh he's okay. His legs still messed up but Madame Pomfrey said he should be fine by the end of the week."

"And Mr Malfoy?" I frowned.

"I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean?"

"I sent him to Madame Pomfrey a good ten minutes ago, did you not cross paths?"

"No Professor, I haven't seen him since they took Ron up to the Hospital Wing."

"I see... well-"

"Professor if you don't mind me asking." I interrupted, "What's going to happen to Draco?" Dumbledore sighed.

"As Mr Malfoy is underage, and used his curse as self defence their is nothing the Ministry can do to prosecute him at this time. In the future if anything similar to this happens, maybe. For now he should be fine."

"And mentally?" Pansy chimed in.

"I do not know Miss Parkinson. None of us know how to deal with taking another human life until it happens to us ourselves. His Mother has been informed of the situation of course and she is happy to assist in consoling him in any way he needs."

"And his father?" Harry spoke up finally. Dumbledore turned to him.

"Draco requested that we do not tell his father. Although the arrest papers explain that Lucius is to have no contact with Narcissa or Mr Malfoy he is obliged to know of any incidents that may occur."

"Why isn't he allowed any contact?" Ginny asked.

"On account of abuse Miss Weasley. Mental and Physical." Harry's hand flew over his mouth.

"Although that is not my story to tell I'm afraid." Dumbledore continued.

"Blaise I assume you are going to be spending a lot of time in the hospital wing?" He changed the topic.

"Uh yes Professor."

"I ask that you return to your dormitory at 10pm, I am giving you an extra hour so please don't betray my trust Mr Zabini." I nodded.

"You can all visit Mr Weasley of course, but for the rest of you visiting hours end at the normal time 9pm." Everyone nodded.

"That is all children. You may go." Everyone but Me, Harry, Hermione and Pansy filed out the door.

"I assume the four of you have more questions."

I took this time to finally look at Hermione, her face was pale, almost like stone and her face was void of any expression.

"I almost lost both my best friends tonight." She said looking up from the floor. "How did Jake get out of your office earlier today Professor." Dumbledore sighed.

"I understand what happened today Miss Granger will not have been easy on you what so ever. And I hope you accept my apology when I say that it was solely my fault that Mr Williams managed to escape. He slipped out from under my nose you see, and I know that is not an excuse as someone ended up dead, another hospitalised and one severely traumatised but I promise you that it will never happen again." Hermione nodded and went back to looking at the floor. Pansy gave her a worried look.

"Is that all? Harry did you have a question? Miss Parkinson?"

"No Professor." They said at the same time.

"Very well then. You may go." We all left climbing back down the golden steps in silence.

"Harry-" I tried when we reached the bottom.

"Did you know?" He asked looking at me.

"I thought he told you." I said and Harry balled up his fist.

"Did. You. know?" He said his teeth clenched.

"Yes..." I said.

"And you didn't think it was something I needed to know!" He snapped.

"Harry I genuinely thought you knew!" I said and he shook his head.

"Piss off." He spat turning away from us and walking down the corridor. I turned to Pansy who was stood next to Hermione.


"Save it Blaise. I don't wanna hear it right now." She left taking Hermione with her. I stared after them before turning and heading back to the hospital wing.

"Ron I'm-" I stopped myself hearing him talking to someone.

"And what does that mean." He said and I could hear the pain in his voice. "Will he wake up?"

"I'm not sure..."

"God how am I gonna tell Blaise." I heard him say and that's when I went in.

"Tell me what?" I glanced around the room and my heart dropped.


Slotted together // Blairon Soulmate auWhere stories live. Discover now