Chapter 15

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Alex had been walking down the hallways, Alaina had blacked out in his arms. Any other time Alex would have stopped to smile down on her, maybe even take a picture. But when you were trying to get a wanted girl out of a heavily secured military fort, it wasn't easy to find time for pictures. Alex had had to stop several times to make sure the guards didn't see himself or Alaina. It hadn't been easy, but he had gotten her to the main gate leading outside.

That was when the situation got a little more complicated. There were two guards stationed at the gate. Alex could easily take them out by the looks of them, but he didn't want to attract attention. Alex ended up crouching down behind a corner and setting Alaina down. She was still out but her breathing had evened out. Alex hated to wake her but he couldn't just carry at blacked out girl out the front gates!

"Alaina." He whispered. "Alaina, you need to wake up, please." He gently tapped her face.

"What?" Alaina mumbled. "Girl in pain here. Trying to sleep it away."

"Alaina, I need you to walk." Alex told her.

Alaina opened her eyes and looked at Alex. "You're kidding, right?" She replied.

Alex shook his head. "Afraid not, love." He said. "I've got a plan."

"That involves me walking on a broken ankle that I can't apply pressure to without receiving waves of pain?" Alaina reminded him sarcastically "It's sure to work."

"Come on Alaina." Alex smirked "Do you honestly think I haven't thought of that?"

"Honestly, I don't know what goes on in there!" Alaina told Alex. "I'm sure it's all unicorns and rainbows in there, but look around! We are being hunted INSIDE the enemy base!"

"I know, Alaina!" Alex demanded. "Can't you just trust me?"

"I did trust you!" Alaina reminded him. "Then you took my heart and stomped all over it with your ego!"

"To protect you!" Alex admitted. "Would I have hit my father with a huge, bloody book, carried you across a guard infested base, and come up with an awesome plan if I wasn't trying to help you!"

Alaina stared at Alex for a moment. This boy had gained her trust, she had told him her secret, then he had pushed her back into darkness. Now he had put his life in danger for her. Boys were way to confusing.

"What's your plan?" Alaina asked.

Alex smiled then broke down the details of his plan to Alaina. She listened and did her best not to laugh.

"That won't work!" Alaina told him honestly.

"Lets try it." Alex said his eyes preying for Alaina to go along with it.

"If it doesn't work we are both dead!" Alaina reminded him.

"Have some faith!" Alex tells her "I grew up with these guys."

Alaina blew some hair out of her face, "Fine." She agreed "But if this doesn't work you owe me!"

Alex laughed, "If this doesn't work I'll gladly give you everything I have. Which will be nothing. Cause we will be dead."


Alex rushed down the hallway towards the guards at the front gates. He ran up to them and acted as if he was out of breath. The guards looked at Alex curiously then shrugged.

"Need help, mate?" The first guard asked.

"Yeah." Alex breathed "My girlfriend, Rose, maybe you've heard of her. She fell on the stairs and I need help getting her outside."

"Why outside?" The second guard asked.

Alex shot him a glare. "I didn't think it was your job to be in the business of the Emperor's son."

"Well, it's not-" the first guard started.

"There you go." Alex butted in. "It's not your job. Now are you going to help me of should I write up two pink slips?"

The guards looked at each other then back at Alex. Alex folded his arms over his chest. He then started to tap his foot.

The first guard sighed "Where is she?"

Alex smiled. "This way gentlemen." Alex waved his hand for the guards to fallow. "And bring that first aid kit, will u?"

The first guard grabbed the first aid kit from it's place on the wall, then fallowed Alex to a near by staircase. A girl sat on the bottom steps. She had long blonde hair, and was wearing dark clothing. Alex sat down next to her on the stairs.

"Here they are, dearest." Alex announced. "They are going to fix up your ankle there, then we are going on that carriage ride I promised you."

"Thank you, darling." The girl giggled "My hero!" Then she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ehm." Alex said looking at the guards. "You can continue."

The second guard bent down and reached towards the girls ankle. It was very swollen, he was surprised the girl wasn't in tears. The guard grabbed the girls ankle and rolled her foot. The girl screamed in pain. She reached out and grabbed a fist full of Alex's sleeve.

"Stop! Stop!" Alex cried. "You're hurting her!"

The guard put the girl's foot down, now she was in tears. Alex moved closer to his girlfriend and put and arm around her. She began to sob into his shoulder. Alex imagined the pain was immeasurable. Alex looked at the guards furiously.

"You have less then five minutes to get that ankle wrapped so she can walk." Alex warned. "And it better be nearly painless, or else."

The guards hastily started to wrap the girl's ankle, trying their hardest to cause the girl little pain. She had calmed down a little but she was still breathing hard and sniffling. When the guards finished, Alex went to his feet and helped the girl up.

"How is it?" Alex asked concerned.

"I'll live." The girl have a small fake smile. "Thank you." She said to the guards.

"Sorry we couldn't help more." The second guard apologized.

"We'll be fine." Alex said, "come along darling."

Alex helped the girl out the gates and down the path, out of sight. The guards looked at each other then smiled.

"Cute girl." The first said.

"Hell yeah!" The second replied.

"And you," the first guard drew out the words "made her cry."

"I didn't mean to!" The second guard said defensively. "How was I supposed to know it was that bad?"

"It was swollen like a balloon you bim-bo!" Laughed the first.

The second glared at the first. "I just-"

"Ehm." A voice said.

The guards stood at attention and looked at there officer. He held out a paper to them with two people's face on it.

"If you see these two, alert the guard." The officer said "Don't let them out."

The two guards gazed down on the paper. There was a boy with dark hair and eyes, and a girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They looked from the paper to each other.

"Damn it!" They both said at the same time.

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