3| Unexpected Move

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Chapter 3: Unexpected Move

I'm not a morning person...

The idea that those kind of people exist on this planet is inconceivable.

My eyes were heavy with sleep as I slipped out of bed, sluggishly moving to the kitchen and starting the coffee machine.

Angie finally woke up, pouring out a cup of coffee for herself. "So, any early morning lecture?" Angie asked, taking a long sip of her coffee.

"Nope... But I do have a class by twelve... I'll be in the gym till then,"

She nodded, blowing the hot coffee. "Tell me how things go when we get back, I've got a lecture any moment now." She patted me on the cheek before downing the last of her coffee and heading to get dressed.


I was the first to make it to the gym so I opened up the place, grabbing my phone and playing Candy Crush.

Jessica finally showed up at about 11:30am, a huge grin on her face as she carefully dropped her purse on the desk.

"You're late," I noted.

She was always late but I'd never seen her this happy in a while. I watched as she began applying lipgloss on her lips.

"If you must know, I spent the night with Ashton Malik and he was awfully good in bed, left me feeling sor–"

"Okay, I get it... Even though I didn't ask," I said, uninterested in hearing more. Jessica simply shrugged, her grin getting wider.

"Don't be so jealous. Unlike you, I actually take time to prepare for my day so it was inevitable he would notice me."

Blah blah blah

But she was right, I hardly ever took time getting dressed, my clothes were simple, avoiding the dilemma of what to wear. Today, I was in a white button up shirt, sleeves folded, and black leggings.

Compared to my dressing, Jessica looked like a queen in her black crop top and denim mini skirt, her fruity perfume invading my nose as she walked by.


After yesterday, the gym had gone back to its lonely state, it was still empty by the time I had my first lecture, Jessica was going to handle the place but I still promised I'd be back by tewelve to give her a hand.

I sighed, making my way into the P.H.Y building for my Electric circuit class, our lectures were to be held on the third floor and my lazy ass wasn't about to use the stairs, so I climbed into the elevator.

I was about to push the button when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hold on!" It was Paul, running to the elevator.

I left it open, welcoming him in.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey," he greeted in between deep breaths from running. "We're so... Late for class."

"Ms Mathers hardly calls attendance so I think we're safe," I said.

He nodded, wiping off the glistening sweat on his forehead, his grey sweatshirt already soaked.

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