12| Real You

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Chapter 12: Real You.

Ashton hadn't texted back.

I felt stupid for texting to begin with, I was hardly the one to ever start a conversation, I was more of the girl to write typo filled texts then forget to press send... Okay, I just didn't want to.

But I was stupid to think Ashton would reply, he had a million things to do, it was a miracle he even remembered who I was.

I sat lazily in the gym, bored as hell as I read a wattpad book. Jessica hadn't been bothered to show up, she was probably in another of her dates or at some party.

I sighed before dropping my phone and rummaging through my bag for the day old cookie in there.

Don't judge me, you'd do the same if you hadn't had breakfast... Or lunch. My stomach grumbled in frustration as I triumphantly recovered my last piece of Oreo cookie.


It was a notification, I wondered if it was a new message from Ashton as I picked up the phone.

Nope, but it was from my mom.

Mom- doing awesome honey. I miss you so much and I just know your dad will be so proud of you.

This wasn't the first time mom had thrown that line, I'd been top in my class through out high school and he barely cared, I doubted he'd change now.

The only thing that linked me to him was the title of father and daughter. He never called, or texted. A part of me was glad he didn't, my dad could be really terrifying when drunk.

I had began typing a reply to my mom when a new message pinged.

It was from Ashton.

I fought back a smile as I opened the text.

Ashton- hey, are you busy?

I immediately rushed to type but soon remembered, it was too quick, if I replied so soon, he'd think I wasn't as busy as he was so I decided to wait...

For ten seconds...

I didn't have much friends, it's not like my phone was always constantly pinging with messages so it actually took all my willpower to not reply for those ten seconds.

Maddie- at the gym.

Ashton- when does your shift end?

Maddie- two pm

Ashton- great, meet us at the Canteen.

Maddie- Us?

Ashton hadn't replied but the prospect that we wouldn't be alone seemed to ease my nerves a bit.

By two, the next worker showed up and I was free to go.


The canteen was actually just one of the most  expensive and famous restaurants in the whole school.

It was actually named Jeffrey's deluxe but after becoming famous all around campus for its delicious and off the chart prices, it was just dubbed the canteen. A place where the rich kids ate.

A waiter stood beside the entrance, handing me a menu as he then asked for my name.

"Maddison Maurice," I told him and he searched his small notepad.

"Ah yes, a table reservation has been made for you. Right this way madam." He led the way

I'd never been to the canteen. As I said, it was a dinning for the rich kids and as the broke college student I was, I'd never even peeked in, but by the smell of their chicken, it was heaven.

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