22| Apollo

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Chapter 22: Apollo

Why did I stop?

Why didn't I touch him further?

Why didn't I let it happen?

Because a part of me had learned from my parents, my mom had loved my dad with all her heart even when she knew he was a drunkard, she'd ignored it.

I couldn't do that, Ashton was a player, I couldn't ignore that.

I'd slept with these questions, my mind making use of what energy it had left to put me to sleep.

By the time I'd woken up, it wasn't to the warm rays of light or the smell of breakfast, it was a soft, gentle tap on my shoulder.

I groaned as I opened my sleepy eyes, blurry vision immediately caught the masculine features of Ashton. In my room.

This was a dream, it had to be.

"Am I in heaven?" I asked sleepily.

"Not yet, sweetheart. But I can take you there," his suave morning voice answered.

"What's the time?" I asked, sitting up on the bed. I looked over at my phone and sighed.


The rays of the morning sun was barely up, Ashton stared at me with a sneaky grin.

"Whyr'e you awake?" I asked.

"I promised my mom I'd make breakfast for her... I need your help."

"Moi? The great Ashton Malik needs my help?" Maybe I was milking the moment just a little.

Ashton rolled his eyes, a smile creeping on his lips. "Whatever. I'm trying to make a pie, will you help? I didn't want to ask Jodie cause that was the whole reason I offered to make the pie."

"Sure... Let me just brush."

He effortlessly scooped me out of bed, paving me in the floor. "Don't worry about it, your morning breath isn't that bad."

He guided me down the quiet house, bypassing his parents room. I soon realised it was only the both of us awake.

Yep, what could go wrong?

We got to the kitchen, Ashton put on an apron, he looked like a dad and that made me snicker.

"What's so funny?" He smiled.



It'd taking a while but we were finally done with the pie, placing it in the oven before he sat on the dinning, running a hand through his hair.

I leaned against the wall beside a statue, watching him as he glared into his phone.

Ashton was a guy I couldn't explain, he made me feel ways I'd never felt in a while and I couldn't explain it and I was scared of giving a guy that much power over me, it gave him a chance to hurt me.

He glanced up at me, catching my glare. I panicked, falling on the sculpture which was surprisingly light. The sculpture tilted, nearly falling on the floor but Ashton caught it, placing it back unto the monument.

I let out a sigh of relief. "That was close... Why do you guys have so many statues everywhere."

"My mom... She loves a lot of Greek mythology and stuff." He glared up at the statue that had just almost fallen. "Can you guess which god this is?"

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