19| Dirty

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Chapter 19: Dirty

"A F*CKING BEACH HOUSE!" Angie squealed. "That's like next level. Did you get a signature from his dad or something."

"The man hates my guts," I answered, drinking my mocha frap. To be fair, I had sprained his sons ankle, escorted him to a match were he got hurt and began a fight so... Yeah

"Well, whatever... I'm just so happy for you!" She hugged me, her shampooed hair brushing against my nose which almost forced a sneeze out of me.

I'd skipped the part about me and Ashton almost kissing cause I didn't want her to have a heart attack, I also still needed to speak with Ashton about that.

I'd probably have all the time in the world to do so at the beach house.

"You can come with if you want," I said pleadingly.

I couldn't imagine staying a weekend with the Malik's, that trademark beauty and charming body. God help me.

"Sis, it's gonna be okay, you have the hottest guy on campus for two fricking days, any girl would die to be in your shoes."

"So does that mean you're coming?" I asked hopefully.

"Nope... Alex and I are going to watch a movie during the weekends." She smirked.

"So... You guys are a thing? For research purposes," I said.

"We're taking things slow, see where it goes."

She glared at me, grabbing my mocha frap and finishing it. "Besides, I wouldn't want to ruin your weekend with Ashton." She winked.

I rolled my eyes as my phone began ringing. It was a FaceTime from my mom.

I went into my room, landing on the soft bed before answering the call.

"Hey mom."

"Hi sweetie, how are you?"

"I'm alive," I replied with a shrug. She smiled.

"How's class going? Any charming boy to sweep you off your feet?" She raised a teasing brow.

"Mom," I laughed. "Aren't you a little old for this?"

And yes, I had already been swept off my feet.

"I was wondering, can I go to some beach house this weekend?" I asked, curling my legs together in the bed.

"Of course, you're eighteen, Maddison, you don't need my permission to go to..."

"A friends," I answered.

"Yes, exactly. But you do need my permission before doing drugs, young lady. Especially coke, I hear it's the devil."

I laughed at her geekiness. "Don't worry mom, I'm not taking any drug," I said with a smile.

"Better?" She smiled.

From the background of the call, we both heard the crashing of glass as my dad yelled from downstairs, anger clearly in his voice.

"I've gotta go," mom said with a concerned expression.

"Mom... Please don't," I begged, battling the tears in my eyes.

Her face was one of sadness. "I can't leave him like that. I'll see you in a while, have fun."

And with that, she ended the call.

Tears runned down my eyes as I dropped my phone on the nightstand. I was scared, mom was ever so persistent to be by his side and I feared one day, he'd be her undoing, she'd try to be the Knight in shining armour and this time, she just may not win the battle.

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