32| Break Me

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If you need a music recommendation for this chapter, try (You Broke Me First by Tate McRae)

Chapter 32: Break Me

Justin, Alex and Jessica had all unanimously decided to give Ashton and I some space.

Leaving only both of us in the room.

Everything about him pulled me to him, from his grey Oxford hoodie to the slides he wore.

I didn't want to be here, not with him. I'd just planned to patch things up with Jessica but I guess she had other plans.

"Hey," he said in his sultry voice, leaning against the door with no effort, arms and legs crossed.

"Ashton." I simply mumbled his name. I didn't know what to say, how to act or what to do.

"I got this for you." He retrieved a small nylon bag, inside was a DVD of the Baywatch movie.

"The lead actress in your favourite movie acted this so I thought you'd like this too," he explained. "Was hoping we could watch it together but you've been avoiding me."

"Ashton, we need to talk," I said to him, my face faltering.

"I know what you're about to do," he accused. "You're about to say how you don't feel the same."

"You don't understand." My voice wavered, nearly breaking as I swallowed the hard knot in my throat.

"Then what is it, Maddie?" He whispered to me in a soft tone. "Isn't it enough that I'm head over heels in love with you and now you're avoiding me..."

He'd said he was in love with me? He'd actually said it, I couldn't help the pink tint on my cheeks but then Joey's words sucked out every joy from the moment.

You'll have to break Ashton Malik's heart

"Tell me what it is?... We can work this out together." Ashton inched closer, gently running his fingers through my arm.

"Ashton, I'm not good for you," I stuttered.

He walked up to me, the tip of his nose inches from mine. "Let me choose what's good for me, Maddie."

His touch was warm, hot even. it gave me a sense of comfort and safety that I longed for, it made me whole.

"Whyr'e you doing this to me, Maddie? Don't push me out, let me help."

His words were persuasive, it broke me to know I couldn't drag him by his drawstrings and lock lips with him, I had to break him, just as Joey wanted.

"Are you scared I'm just playing around?" He asked, cupping my chin.

I shook my head as he continued.

"I would never play with you, Maddie, haven't I made that clear?"

"Ashton... please, don't make this difficult," I mumbled.

He pressed his lips against mine, and I could sense his need to take all my pain, my fears and anxiety as our lips moved against each others.

I knew this was the last time I'd ever taste him and I savoured the moment, every bit of it.

"Ashton stop." I finally pushed against his chest, parting away from his lips. "You need to stop living in an illusion."

I couldnt imagine the words that came out of my lips but I went on, even as tears welled up my eyes.

"We're different, you and I... I'm just the girl everyone ignores, I was sick of it. I saw you as an easy target to fame and nothing more... I played with you," I said.

His face was expressionless as he stared at me so I continued.

"I knew you were always going to defend helpless girls like me, you were always going to stick up for me and I used that to climb to the top," I stated between tears.

A painful silence filled the room as Ashton stared at me, his face blank, his lips curled as he sighed.

"Was that the best you've got? You seriously want to tell me this was all fake to you, everything that happened between us, our touches, kisses and every precious time we spent together."

He wrapped his arms around my waist when I failed to look at him.

"Look me in the eyes, Maddie and tell me all those didn't mean anything to you... Break me and tell me you never loved me the way I loved you and I'll leave."

I didn't want him to leave, I didn't want to be alone, I gently gripped the hem of his sleeves as I cried, my vision already blurry.

But if I didn't do this, Joey was going to destroy me and everything I'd worked for to get here, he was going to destroy all my efforts.

Please forgive me, Ashton... I'll always love you.

I stared at him through teary eyes, his jaw softened at my glance as I ran my hands down them.

"You never meant anything to me, Ashton Malik. Never did and never would."

His expression was that of defeat as his grip on me loosened, he glared with a tear battling to fall but simply said: "I see."

He turned and I wanted to grab him back and tell him how much he meant to me but I let the man of my dreams walk away.

He opened the french door and as soon as his friends saw him, they understood. They followed him back to his car as I stood there watching.

Jessica rushed back into the gym and pulled me into her arms as I cried, I let all my tears out in her arms.

"I did what he wanted... I broke him," I cried. "I broke him."


What do you think about Ashton's confession and how would you have handled things in Maddie's place.

Please vote for your girl to give me the motivation to get out of an emotional spiral and post the next chapter.

Share this story if you've enjoyed it so far. Thanks.

*Sniff* *Crys in Italian*

Ig: @thea_caylen

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