24| Lose you

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Chapter 24: Lose You

The fact that I'd kissed Ashton was laughable.

And the fact I even enjoyed it was even more hilarious.

Of course I would, he was the boy who owned every girls nighttime fantasies, the guy you dreamt of sleeping next to in a boring Phy lecture.

I rubbed my thumb against my lips, reimagining the moment we'd shared, it was ingrained in my memory, the smell, the taste and every single butterfly I got when his lips touched mine.

I hadn't spoken to Angie about it but I planned on doing so this evening, she'd been so excited about a carwash she and Alex had planned for the weekend I hadn't had time to tell her about my stay at the beach house.

I had agreed to participate in the car wash though, partly because I knew Ashton would be there and partly because I wanted to help a friend out.


Okay, Mostly because I knew Ashton would be there, are you happy now?

I groaned underneath the mumbles of the hall as the professor spoke

"Settle down everybody," Ms Mathers said. "Now as you all know, your mid semester exams is coming up in less than two weeks from now and I know some of you are excited to get back to your families for the vacation..."

Not me though. Anyone else with an alcohol addicted dad?

Yeah, I thought so too.

"Maddie!" Paul tapped me. I lazily turned my head to him, displaying two tickets to the end of the month boxing match.

"Guess what? Ashton versus Joey," he said with a grin.

"I thought that was concluded like a month ago, didn't Joey win?" I asked.

"Not after what happened at the parking lot last week. That video was all over the school, they couldn't back down from cashing out on the moment. When staffs saw it, they'd held a disciplinary meeting and finally decided to settle it with a rematch once and for all."

I raised a brow, finding it weird that their disciplinary move was to let them fight more but when I realised the amount of money they'd be losing if they suspended or expelled the students, I simply sighed.

"You'll come, right?" Paul asked

"Sure, my calendar is clear at the end of the month. Afterall, we'd be done with the exams by then."

"Yesss!" Paul grinned. "It would be so awesome... By the way, how was your stay at your friends beach house."

"It was..." I bit my bottom lip softly, pushing it a breath. "... Fun." I smiled playfully.


Once classes were over, I made my way to the gym and nothing prepared me for the drama that awaited me.

"YOU!" Jessica roared. "You're the reason he blocked me, you weaseled your way between us and now you're trying to ruin everything."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, honestly stunned by her words.

"Don't play dumb with me, I know you went to his beach house," she fumed. "It was supposed to be me, I was supposed to go but then you showed up and destroyed everything."

"Jessica, he blocked you ages before I even started talking to him, how is it my fault?"

"Don't play innocent, this has your handwork written all over it and I won't stop to make your life a living nightmare."

The door slid open and I grinned when I saw who it was.

Speak of the devil himself.

Ashton ventured into the gym wearing a sky blue Jersey and matching shorts, a playful smile on his face. Jessica almost gasped the moment she saw him.

"Ashton... You're here, make yourself welcomed," she stated.

"Been a while Jessica... Is Maddie here?"

I sat quietly on my seat, head laid face down on the desk as I remained quiet. I didn't want to interrupt what was about to happen, if Ashton really meant a fraction of what he'd said to me, this was really going to hurt Jessica.

"She's not important... I know you're here for me and I just want to say, we left things on a sour note," Jessica mumbled. "I know it was majorly my fault which is definitely why you blocked me and I'm so sorry but I think if we give things a chance, it can work."

Was she really taking the blame for him blocking her? Now, I may be a novice when it comes to relationships but this was a no no, she was reducing herself to make the guy feel bigger.

But of course, I couldn't interrupt her speech to give her some dating advice.

Jessica slowly crawled unto his thigh, wrapping her arms around his shoulder as she whispered softly to him.

"Jessica, stop." Ashton said and his words seemed to end the arguement. "We both knew what we wanted... We weren't in a relationship... A friend of mine just taught me what a relationship really is and ours wasn't it."

"Are you really leaving me for Maddie?" Jessica asked, her eyes tearing up. "You know what? I don't care, I can share you, I just don't want to lose you, don't leave me... Please."

For once in a lifetime, Ashton pulled her to himself, giving her a tight  hug, one that felt comforting.

She finally pushed away, scurrying out the gym with tearful eyes.

"Jessica," I called after her but didn't follow. I didn't know what to say, I'd never seen Jessica breakdown over a guy but yet, Ashton had left that effect on her and I couldn't help but blame myself.

Ashton's gaze turned to me, surprised by my presence.

"You may not have seen what you two had as a relationship but you should have atleast warned her from the beginning," I said to him.

He wet his lips, a remorseful look crossing his face for the first time ever. "I did... We both just wanted to have fun and I made it clear... I just didn't know she'd take things further."

I couldn't form a response, I wanted to blame him but I didn't know how. Behind all his perfection, Ashton was just as much of a flawed human as Jessica was. As I was.

"She didn't deserve that," I mumbled.

He drawed me into a hug, running his hand through my hair as he whispered.

"I know, I know."


So I know Jessica is most definitely a hated character and there are a lot of things she has done (and will do) but I think it's important to take one or two things away from this.

Relationship is a general term, you have to understand the context before using it. E.g

"We have a relationship (we're friends etc.)"
"We're in a relationship (we're dating.)" are two totally different things. It's also important to know what and how the second party feels about this relationship and setting grounds for what you both can call yourselves.

I'd love to know who's at fault? Ashton, Jessica or Maddie. And why.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

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