17| Friends

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Chapter 17: Friends.

"Do you– by any chance– have some popcorn in this place," Justin asked, eyes still glued on the live video.

"Justin! We're trying to stop it not watch it," I retorted.

"Right! But can't we do both?"

Alex rolled his eyes. "Now I see why you two vibe so well."

"Thanks for the compliment, Alex baby," Justin cooed.

"It wasn't a... Nevermind." He shook his head.

"We have to stop this," I said, gesturing at Justin's phone.

We three matched to the french door of the gym, sliding it open before Jessica yelled:

"Excuse me but can someone explain to me why Ashton f*cking Malik is fighting for mad Maddison of all people?"

I honestly didn't know either, I was well versed at handling my battles but unlike Ashton who faced them heads on, I tended to run away from them, just like I'd done at the lecture hall earlier this morning.

"She's a friend of ours, that's what friends do," Alex replied, looking over at me with a charming smile. He of all people seemed to be the one to dislike me but I guessed he'd finally accepted the fact he now has two Justins to deal with.

"Whatever." Jessica rolled her eyes from annoyance. "Well, Maddison has a shift till two so she won't be going anywhere."

"Jessica, I'll pay you for this, thanks," I said, running out the gym without getting a reply from her. Alex and Justin followed.

"We'll take my car," I said to the boys, unlocking to my ‘fairly used’ Mercedes.

Alex eyed it with caution, doubt crossing his face. "Are you sure we shouldn't take mine? It's parked not so far away."

"Alex, we don't have time," I said, an unknown urgency in my voice.

"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you when we die in a car crash."


I soon realised my car was hardly prepared to entertain visitors, a coffee stain from last week was on the seat beside the drivers, college books stacked at the back.

Justin managed to squeeze into the back seat, his eyes still glued to the video.

I could hear the audio of the video as I sped forward.

"She's just one girl, I don't see what the big deal is," I heard Joey say, his friends agreeing. "What do you have going on with her? A sex toy probably?"

"That's none of your business," Ashton voices cracked through the audio.

I couldn't see him as I drove but I just knew he was at the brink of throwing a punch, throwing the whole campus into absolute chaos. I didn't know if I found that charming or terrifying, Ashton could close this school if he pleased.

Joey chuckled, his voice pausing as the connection broke.

I was scared of what Ashton could do if I wasn't there in time, I pushed on the gas, speeding to the parking lot.

"Are you... I'm gonna f*ck her?" Fragments of Joey's voice filled the car as the connection stabilised.

Whatever Joey said was enough to push Ashton to the brink, the whole crowd erupted with yells and chatters. Justin looked up from his phone, eyes drifting from Alex to me.

"It's happening..."

We pulled into the parking lot, having to dodge some students who gathered around before parking.

I rushed out of the car, I wasn't even sure what I was going to do, I just needed to stop it, if Ashton got hurt– or worse, his dad found out– this wouldn't end well for me.

I pushed through the crowd, already hearing the scruffles between the boys as I made my way to the center of the created circle.

Joey stood with a bloody lips, a mischievous smirk still on his face as he stared at Ashton who was already taking a boxing stance.

But Joey wasn't retaliating.

I knew what this was, Joey was trying to play innocent if staffs found the videos, he was trying to push Ashton far enough to do something he could regret.

People began chanting, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" But with me begin the anticlimactic weirdo I was, I hurriedly stepped into the middle of the two boys.

I blocked Joey with my body, arms spread wide to shield him.

Ashton's face furrowed into confusion. "Maddie? What are you doing here?"

"Ashton stop! You aren't allowed to fight on campus," I said in a matter of fact tone as the students started to boo at me.

"You need to leave," Ashton said, his face still contorted in a frown.

"What? You don't want your pet to the play?" Joey, who stood behind me, grabbed me by the waist, spinning be to his chest before cupping my chin in one swift move and placing his wet lips on mine.

His tongue tried to force his way in and I allowed it passage, biting it the moment it did.

"F*ck," Joey cursed, cradling his bleeding tongue. "Did you f*cking bite me."

I didn't know how to respond, at that moment, I almost felt frozen. Ashton tried to get to Joey but Alex and Justin held him back, trying to talk him down.

I simply turned away from Joey, walking over to Ashton and grabbing his forearm.

"Let's go," I said and for some odd reason, Ashton obliged.

He turned, following me to my car but Joey wasn't done.

"I don't know what you see in the b*tch," he yelled. "Her lips don't even taste that good."

His words weren't meant to mean much but I felt terrible. I wasn't some expert kisser, so what? He was just being petty but I was hurt.

A part of me wanted to believe he was right, there was nothing worth chasing for in Maddison Maurice so what did Ashton see in me that would make him go up against his own rival?

I looked up at Ashton but once again, he just have me a charismatic smirk...

Like he had no care in the world.

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