7| Cash Magnet

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I read a guide on boxing so clearly I'm the most suited person to write a story about such *note the sarcasm*


Chapter 7: Cash Magnet.

I never understood girls who secretly dated more than one guy at a time, how did they ever escape awkward situations like this?

"I thought you weren't coming?" Paul asked, his voice mixing with the cheers of the crowd.

I couldn't tell him I'd come with Ashton, Paul had invited me first, he'd feel bad if I said that.

"Yeah... It was a last minute decision... I– I came here to make it up to... You," I said.


"Yeah... I figured I'd show up since I managed to get all my assignments done before now."

Paul raised a questioning eyebrow, one which said ‘you're so bad at lying.’

"But how'd you get tickets?... They were sold out like three days ago"

Didn't think about that. "Umm... Yeah, Angie gave me hers... She's sick, the doctor says she had a high... Osmotyposis."

"Is that a sickness?" Paul asked, visibly confused.

I nodded. "Just one of the many we girls go through."

"Send my condolences," he said with an apologetic look.

"Will do," I replied.

"Why don't we get a seat," he said, placing his hand on my back, we finally found two empty seats which we immediately took.

"I'll go get us some snacks," Paul said.

I just stared at the massive ring when he was gone. I was supposed to do something about this, there were two matches before Ashton's. I wasn't supposed to be sitting here, as some form of entertainment, I was meant to be dragging that handsome jerk back to the car before he broke something inside him.

Paul returned with some caramel popcorn and cups of sodas, handing me one.

"I know boxing isn't really your thing but I love it," Paul said.

"Do you... Box?" I asked with intrigue. He shook his head, grinning a bit.

"Nope, but I love watching it... I'm Jaxon Malik's biggest fan... Too bad Ashton couldn't be here today."

Yeah, about that...

The matches began with two girls, Paul took the opportunity to explain all the maneuvers and attacks in boxing. Eventually, the shorter, more chubby girl won with a knockout.

The second match was almost a bout, brief and fast, two boys fighting against one another. It ended with a draw, one judge supporting the first boxer, another supporting the second while the last judge evened out the match.

It was finally time for the big game, as much as I dreaded it, there was also a hint of anticipation in me which I hated, I dreaded the fact Ashton could get hurt. But apparently, only I did.

As soon as he stepped into the ring, the whole crowd burst with excitement, clapping and cheering enthusiastically. Didn't they know he was injured? They didn't care, as long as they got to see the hot Ashton Malik fight.

When everyone expects so much from you, you've just got to put yourself out there, the words of Ashton resurfaced in my mind, was this what he meant?

I finally understood why the tickets all sold out the moment I saw him shirtless, his body was carved with perfection, well toned abs on his stomach, his loose grey shorts hanging loosely on his V-cut torso teasingly, heat crept up my body but I fought it back.

Charcoal black boxing gloves hung on his hands, preparing to attack the opponent, Joey Malcolm, who had a smug grin on his face.

"Woah! I didn't think Ashton would fight after what happened," Paul said. "How's he even allowed to."

All this school cared about was the revenue they gained from every match, of course they'd allow a cash magnet like Ashton play, even if he came three days late.

The match began simply, both opponents circling around the ring, eyes locked on one another.

Joey struck first, sending a quick jab at Ashton but he was faster than I expected, dodging the blow effortlessly with his arms.

The both of them moved with impressive speed, throwing punches at one another. Ashton was faster, delivering a right hook into Joey's stomach.

His shoulder moved with so much velocity and force, I could swear I heard Joey grunt from my seat. But Ashton wasn't done, he rushed more blows at Joey, his gloved fist connecting with Joeys face.

But Joey proved to be a relentless opponent, finally weaving one of Ashton's blows and landing his, an uppercut. I winced from the impact.

A trail of blood trickled down Joey's lips but he just smirked which seemed to anger Ashton the more. Clearly, they had a history of some kind.

They both clinched each others shoulders, pressing their opponent. The referee finally commanded them to break the clinch.

Sweat matted Ashton's body, almost giving it an incandescent glow, girls began taking pictures, hyperventilating at the sight.

I was beginning to calm down and enjoy the match, Ashton was holding his own pretty well against Joey, even with a bad leg.

Both boys stared at the opponent, slowly inching closer to one another.

Ashton threw a quick jab at Joey but he dodged it, moving with lightning speed to throw his own attack, a blow to Ashton's stomach but Ashton didn't flinch, instead, he took the opportunity to land a clean hit on Joey's face.

"Go Ashton," I heard Paul shout with support which made me laugh his enthusiasm.

"Was he always this good?" I asked Paul.

"He's better. The guy's been training since he was five, he's definitely a professional at this point," Paul said, taking a fist full of popcorn.

My eyes tore back to the match, Joey was on the defensive, trying to block Ashton's frequent blows.

Ashton was so determined to win this, he attacked relentlessly, punching Joey in the face, jaw and stomach.

But then I watched with dread as he shifted, his ankle at its limit, Ashton fell to the ground in pain but even the referee didn't care and began a standing eight count for Ashton to get up and continue fighting.

1... 2... 3...

He needs help, why was no one helping him? Joey stared with a smirk.


I sat there in dread, watching as Ashton bellowed in pain, why was this happening? It was all my fault.


I felt tears battling down my eyes for a guy I barely knew, it was ridiculous but I'd learned to take his health as my responsibility, I'd sprained that ankle afterall.

6... 7...



The match ended and Joey was declared the winner.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it wasn't too incorrect from actual boxing, let me know if something doesn't correlate with the actual rules cause I know nothing about boxing.

Anyway, if you enjoyed the chapter, please consider a vote, you can also vent out your frustration on my Instagram @thea_caylen


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