27| The Day Of Miracles

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Chapter 27: The Day Of Miracles.

It was surprising the effect a father had on his child, wether his presence or his absence all shaped the kind of person that child could be, it molded them.

Ashton adored his father, he'd become a figure Ashton looked up to and wanted to be.

My father on the other hand was someone who had majorly been absent-minded for much of my childhood but now here he was, sending me a voicemail.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I slowly sat on my bed, still glaring at the voicemail like I couldn't believe it was possible.

I played it.

"Hellooo honey," my father's drunken voice spoke from the phone, I could almost smell the alcohol from the phone and that sent a pang of pain through my heart.

"I have the best daughter in the world, she's a little cute ribbon." He hiccuped, pausing his statement to do so before he continued. "One day, she'll come back and make me proud, she'll buy her daddy a big car and take him to the Bahamas.

I had to cover my mouth with my hand to block out the whimpers as tears rolled down my eyes.

"She's my princess." He yawned into the phone. "I'm so proud of her."

The voicemail ended.

He'd seen my message, he'd called, he'd sent a voicemail. The man who seemed to only be a drunk stupor actually noticed his own daughter.

Thank you, dad.


My shift at the gym hadn't been great, it was as empty as ever, Jessica still hadn't shown up, something I feared Mr Pipeson would come to find out about sooner or later.

I sighed to myself as I replayed the message from my dad, placing the phone on my chest.

My phone pinged.

It was a message... From Jessica?

Maybe today is the day of miracles afterall.

Jessica- are you at the gym?

Maddison- yup! Shift ends in an hour so you don't have to come if you don't want to.

I knew what it was like to be hurting, to have your heart broken. Afterall, I'd lived in a broken home for majority of my life.

Jessica- perfect, I'll pick you up then.


By the time the shift ended, I actually found Jessica rolling up with a grey Toyota Sienna, a nice pink crop top and plain white miniskirt hung on her body with her hair styled into a french braid.

"You look good," I simply mumbled.

"Get in! Let's go."


"The club, exams are about to start and who else doesn't want to be wasted." She grinned with her set of pearly white teeth.

"Umm... This isn't a good idea, Jessica," I stated. Why was she taking me? It's not like I was the party type to begin with.

"Come on... Please." She batted her eyes at me.

Just like water, parties and I definitely didn't mix.

"Sorry Jess, but I'll have to skip this one." I turned to leave, she stopped me on my tracks with her next statement.

"He broke up with me and maybe we never had something real but it hurts so much, I just wanted to forget the pain. I need someone to talk to... Please."

She'd gotten me at my most weakest, Jessica was simply just a girl hurting, she was friend and a part of me still felt guilty about how she and Ashton had ended up. She needed a friend, as cocky and self absorbed as she was, she was equally lonely, I needed to provide her a shoulder to lean on, to cry on.

"Fine... Let's go." I slipped into the back seat and she smiled. For once, Jessica seemed to have a genuine look on her face.

"Thank you," she mumbled.


And that wraps up the chapter, what's our general thoughts on Jessica? I really can't wait for the comments on this.

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Thank you for reading this far and staying with me on this wild ride, be sure to check out my Amazing Writers reading list as it includes some of the best and most amazing works of writers like me. Thanks

Goodbye from your lovely dovey writer, I'm always your biggest fan

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