15| The Tiger & The Chicken

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Chapter 15: The Tiger & The Chicken

My eyes felt heavy but I managed to push them open, letting out a deep yawn.

It took a second for me to realise I wasn't in my bedroom and instead in the living room, memories of last night came back to mind.

I could feel his arm wrapped around me, pulling me into his warm chest and something about that scared me. I didn't want to get to used to this.

I turned to find his perfectly still face, his chest rising and falling in a rhythm. His messy hair scattered all over his face. I reached to touch him, placing a hand on his cheeks, he stirred.

I recoiled my hand, almost scared of the touch of our skins, his eyes fluttered open as his crystal blue eyes stared at me, a small smile creeping on his lips.

"Good morning," I murmured.

He smiled. "You snore like a grandma."

I nudged him as he laughed, pushing myself up from the couch before throwing him a frown.

"What a wonderful way to start my morning." I rolled my eyes.

"Atleast you didn't drool," he said.

I turned, making my way into the kitchen.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Eight fifteen," I replied after a brief look into my phone.

"We should probably go back to my place," he said in a sexy morning voice as he rose from the couch. "The place would be a mess. Will you help clean up?"

I scoffed playfully. "Why should I help?"

"Cause that's what friends do," he smiled.

Yes, he threw me another one of those charismatic smiles that somehow seemed sexy even if he was just waking, one which made any girl melt like butter.

"Fine... But I need coffee first... And a pack of Oreos won't hurt anyone," I said.


I'd always known Ashton was rich, infact, that was a huge topic amongst students. But somehow, I wasn't prepared for what he called his apartment.

The one storey duplex stood before me, a mix of white and gold paint designing the place.

I stood in awe for a second, taking in the exterior design before following him to the front door.

"You live here?" I asked like I still couldn't believe someone could afford the place.

"Well, Justin, Alex and I do," he said, grabbing the key from his back pocket and unlocking the door.

The place was a mess, empty paper cups and stray items laid all over the place as well as stains and what seemed to be a puddle of vomit, one which I took very good care to not step on with my very expensive... Flip flops (yeah, so expensive). The house reeked of alcohol.

"Damn! This is the first time I'm sober enough to say this place stinks," Ashton commented, stepping over a misplaced bra.

I instinctively opened the windows, letting the stench escape the room.

"Where's everyone?" Ashton wondered.

We finally found Justin lying on the floor, nestling a half empty bottle of beer while snoring. Ashton lifted him up, waking the sleepyhead.

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