18| Hooked

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Chapter 18: Hooked




My heart had begun beating 10 decibels higher as I drove alone with Ashton at the back seat.

After getting Ashton out of fight, Alex and Justin had to stop for a class, I didn't even know they went for those, they always seemed like misfits, it actually surprised me they were taking time on their studies.

Apparently, both Alex and Justin were second year biochemistry majors. Since they'd dropped off to get to class, I'd promised to drop Ashton back at his place.

Ashton on the other hand, hadn't spoken since we left the parking lot, he leaned against the stack of books at the back, wrapping an arm over his eyes as his deep breaths vibrated through my car.

We'd finally gotten to his apartment, Ashton got up from the back seat, his face taking an unreadable expression as we both walked in.

The house was empty, the smell of air freshener filtering the air.

"Are you hurt?" I finally asked.

Ashton turned to me, plopping down on his golden couch as he showed me his knuckles, which were bruised.

"Just a scratch," he murmured.

"I'll go get some ice."

I made my way to the kitchen, dodging the granite counter at the centre of the room before finding the freezer, I grabbed a pack of ice, making my way back to the living room.

Ashton laid on the couch, one arm draped behind his head like a pillow, his biceps flexed he scrolled through his phone, watching videos of the fight.

"You shouldn't have done that," I said, driving his attention to me as those charming blue eyes locked on me.

Ashton smiled, "that's what friends do, they fight for one another."

"No! Friends fight with you not for you," I said as I sat on the coffee table, nestling his bruised arm in my lap before applying the ice.

If Ashton felt any pain from it, he did well hiding it. He wet his lips, his eyes locked back on his phone.

"Friends teach you to gain strength by fighting by you're side, they don't fight everything for you. What happens when you're not there to f-"

"I'll be there," he chimed before I could finish my statement, his eyes still on his phone like he didn't just say anything that made my heart do summersaults.

I smiled, burying my face back on his injured knuckles.

The house remained in absolute silence, only the sound of the TV could be heard.

"Ashton," I called.

His eyes finally darted from his phone to me but I didn't look back at him.

"What do you see in me? Whyr'e you being so nice to me?" I asked when I couldn't find a better way to word it.

His pink lips sealed into a straight line as he crawled out the couch, merely sitting on it now, his face was only inches away from me.

"Why's it so difficult for you to see what I see in you?" He asked, cupping my face as he lifted my gaze to meet his. "You're beautiful. Maybe you don't wear designers or do the best makeups, maybe you have a concerning addiction with Oreos but you're beautiful inside and out... It just took me forever to notice."

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