6| She's With Me

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Chapter 6: She's With Me

Unknown- it's Ashton, meet me at the admin parking lot.

I stared at the message in complete confusion, wondering if this was a prank, there was no way Ashton had my number, I was so forgettable to begin with.

My hands fumbled as they typed a response.

Maddison- who is this?

Unknown- umm... Ashton, I just told you.

No way was I believing this so I typed:

Maddison- what's Ashton's favourite colour

Unknown- grey? Are you feeling okay?

Damnit! That was too easy, almost the whole school knew his favourite colour.

Maddison- who sprained your right ankle.

Unknown- you... And you owe me for that.

So he knew the true story, maybe it was Ashton afterall. Wait a minute.

It was Ashton, how'd he get my number? In total weirdness, I typed:

Maddison- I haven't broken any other ankle since yours, sir.

Way to go, mad Maddison.

He quickly typed back:

Unknown- I don't know why you're telling me that but I need your help.

Need my help? Was that why he remembered me all of a sudden? Cause he needed my help.

Maddie- with what?

Unknown- I'll explain everything at the parking lot.

I reluctantly started my engine. I revved my engine and began my drive to the parking lot...

After I finished my big Mac of course.


It was less than an eight minutes drive, as my car pulled up into the partially empty parking lot, I could see Ashton already waiting, hands stuffed in his pockets and leaning against his car with a backpack swung on one shoulder.

"What took you so long?" Ashton asked.

"I had to finish my big Mac," I answered.

"Couldn't that wait?"

"Don't you know anything about food? It gets cold."

He sighed pushing his weight from the car as he stepped closer to me. "I need your car."

"You need my what?"

"Your car."

I was taking aback, he had a perfectly fine sports car right behind him, why would he possibly need my rickety old fashioned Mercedes?

"Why exactly?" I asked.

"Isn't your problem."

"It is if you're taking my car."

Ashton sighed, running a hand through his already tousled hair.

"I need to get to the match," he finally answered.

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