13| Rapunzel

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Chapter 13: Rapunzel.

Life has a way of throwing curve balls...

You do as you wish with that piece of information.

I sat comfortably in my sofa, mug cake in hand (a cake of which I had destroyed my whole kitchen to create), reading another sappy wattpad romance.

What can I say? I was addicted, maybe it was the ever sure promise of a happily ever after or the dark brooding bad boys, I lived for it.

"Hey mad, know where the sugar is?" Angie yelled from the kitchen.

"The cabinet to your right," I answered with a huff, taking a scoop of my cake.

Angie was trying yet again to make another tray of brownies.

"I'm telling you, it's the cookbook... This thing's trash," she said, tossing the book across the room.

"Isn't the cook written by a world renowned chef with three michelin stars?" I asked with a sarcastic eye roll.

Angie shrugged. "What's your point?"

"Just wondering."

My eyes darted back to my phone. I'd been reading for a while before I heard Angie yell in victory.

"YES! I FINALLY DID IT." She wiped a fake tear from her eyes. "It's marvelous."

She soon began displaying her perfect set of brownies, the heavenly smell intruding into my nose as she did.

"Now you can add that to your résumé... Professional brownie chef," I joked as I took one off the tray.

"It's quite a lot, mind if you drop some off at Paul's place?" She said.

"Sure... I'll stop by his apartment."

I grabbed my phone, sending Paul a quick text.

Maddie- may I interest you in some brownies?

His reply was quick, my phone vibrated in my hands.

Paul- sure, can't wait.


His apartment was just right beside ours so it wasn't long before I came knocking on his door, a Tupperware of brownies in hand.

Paul gingerly opened the door, looking around like I was some axe murderer.

"Hey, brought the brownies." I smiled.

"Thanks Maddie, you really didn't have to," said Paul, collecting the Tupperware from me. "Come in." He swung the door open, welcoming me in.

The place felt warm and homey, brown duvets laid on the sofa, the masking smell of male cologne all over the place, my eyes lingered at the similar design of the apartment to ours.

He took a seat right beside me on the sofa, our bodies touching against one another lightly.

Paul took a brownie and bit into it. "Wow! This is good stuff," he said.

"Yeah, Angie had been trying to make those forever."

"Want one?"

Although I wasn't really hungry, I decided to take a bite. I bit into the brownie, barely registering the taste.

"Delicious," I said with a cheeky grin. Maybe I was just a nervous wreck.

"Got some crumbs on your lips." Paul gestured to the stray crumbs. "Don't worry, I'll get it."

He retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping my lips with a slow swipe, a movement which left me shivering.

I looked up to find him staring at me, his brown amber gaze soft as coffee, lips pursed as he stared.

He leaned forward, placing his lips against mine, a move which left me shocked. I battled as hard as I could to hide it but the taste was there, his kiss tasted wrong.

I pushed away from his lips, surprise crossing both our faces.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't ha-"

"Paul, it's okay," I cut him off, I knew what I was about to say was going to be difficult but I couldn't keep leading him on, I couldn't hurt him.

"Paul, I love and care so much about you... You're like a brother to me and I've loved every moment we've shared ever since I met you... But I can't do this, not to you, I can't lie to you and say I see you in this way, the way you see me... I will always love you but I'm not in love with you."

I battled with my mind, telling myself this was the right thing to do, but a part of me still wanted to cling unto the false hope that I could fall in love with him. Here I was, turning down the first guy to ever show interest in me.

Pauls expression was one of understanding, hurt but understanding. He nodded, taking everything I said in as I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

I was his friend and I was going to be there for him whenever he had his heart broken, even if it was by me.


"Are you sure you aren't coming, I got the perfect dress for you," Angie said, already dressed for the party at Ashton's place.

"I'm okay... Someone has got to clean up this obviously messy apartment."

Mhmm that was totally the reason I couldn't go, I needed to clean up and not because I was scared of coming off as a weirdo.

"Well, if you change your mind, give me a call," she said before leaving the apartment.

So here I sat, on a Friday night, in my lonely ass apartment, reading another cheesy romance story. Maybe I was a cliché nerd afterall.

After idly reading about a chapter, I finally decided to clean up the apartment and go get ready for bed.

I'd been in the shower, body soaked in warm steamy water when I heard a loud thud.

Someone had opened the front door.

"Angie, is that you?" I called out but no reply.

Fear coursed through my body as I slowly wrapped a towel on- still dripping wet mind you- and rushed out the room and into the kitchen to find a much needed weapon.

I finally settled on a frying pan before slowly making my way out the kitchen and into the living room where the intruder was no doubt waiting.

His voice was smooth and assertive, jerking me with a sudden form of jump scare as he spoke.

"Calm down, Rapunzel."


This is about to become a whole different book, who's ready for the next chapter?

If you enjoyed the story please vote, what do you think about Maddie's response to Paul, should she have given him a chance?

I'd love to hear your opinions either here or on my Instagram @thea_caylen.

Love y'all and don't forget to eat a brownie for good luck today ┌(・。・)┘♪


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