25| False Alarm

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Chapter 25: False Alarm.

Jessica hadn't shown up for work today...

She hadn't shown up for the days and that was working, I'd tried texting her but she'd blocked me after the second text. Atleast it meant she was alive and wasn't committing suicide or something.

I couldn't help to feel somewhat involved in this. A part of me wanted to be like, ‘it isn't your fault, you had NOTHING to do with their relationship falling apart.

I didn't know how to feel so I'd tried keeping things out of my mind and by my speech a few seconds ago, you could tell I was failing.

I gently hummed a song of whose lyrics I couldn't remember as I sat in the gym, making paper airplanes.

The car wash was this saturday and according to Angie, everything was going to be a blast.

I'd finally managed to catch up on my studies, it had taking three nights of no sleep but hey, guess who laughs at the end of the day when we have our mid semester exams?

Once I was done with my paper plane, I soon notice the french door sliding, a charismatic smile plastered on that face.

"Hey," I greeted.

"How's it going?" Ashtons face unusually bright.

"As good as it can get in this gym," I answered.


"How can I help you?" I asked. "Are you here to exercise."

"If that's a reasonable excuse to see you everyday, then yes."

His words left me blushing.

"I'll go check the equipments properly this time," I said which got a wink from Ashton.


It'd been nearly an hour and Ashton was still exercising, he claimed he needed to be in shape for the matches.

He also needed to be an eye candy.

I couldn't count the number of times I'd had to distant myself from his sexy breaths and grunts as he worked out just a wall away.

I grabbed my phone, scrolling through my contact, my eyes landed in a certain one.


The last text he'd sent me has been over a year ago and even that was an influence of our favourite catalyst, alcohol.

I slowly typed a message.

Maddison- hey dad, how're you and mom. Just thought I'd check up on you and tell you I love you so much.

I knew he wasn't going to see it, he probably wasn't going to care but for what it was worth, I needed to tell him this, I just nee–

A gut wrenching yell broke me from my trance.

It had come directly from Ashton and once I hear it, my heart sank into my stomach.

I rushed out of my seat, dreading what could have possibly happened to him.

Not again, not again. Oh god no!

I rushed to find him on lying on the floor, ankle of one leg swung against the knee of the other as he laughed.

"Got you." He smiled.

"Are you fricking kidding me, that was a false alarm? I almost had a heart attack," I stated.

"What makes you think is a prank, my ankle really hurts?" He joked.

I laughed, kicking the jerk.

"Get up," I said to him with a smile.

He strecthed out a hand, a mischievous smile on his face. "Want to help me?"

With an eye roll, I took his hand. Ashton basically did by himself, his sweaty body inches close to me. I could smell everything from his deodorant to his coffee breath.

"I'm closing," I mumbled.

"But the fun is just getting started." He winked, a sexy glint in his eyes.

Ashton inches closer temptingly, his arms wrapping around my waist, he smiled when I didn't object. I didn't know what I wanted anymore, Ashton had messed with my head.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked in a soft voice.

You, Ashton Malik. You're in my every thought and dream.

I yelped the moment I heard the entrance slide open, pushing Ashton away, I rushed to the front. If that was Mr Pipeson, he definitely wouldn't be happy.

Luckily, it was Paul.

"Hey," he greeted, his soft brown eyes warm.

"Paul, w– what you doing here?" I stuttered, still flustered from my moment with Ashton.

"You forgot this in the hall, thought I'd drop it here," he handed me my notebook, one of thought I'd dropped in my bag.

"Thanks a lot," I said as I took the book.

"No problem... So is this place always this quiet?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Comes with the job."

Once paid left, I actually felt relieved, I immediately switched the open sign for closed and grabbed my things.

Just as I packed up, Ashton walked out, after recently showering, his hair still wet and droplets of water on his face, he swung his backpack over one shoulder and threw me a glance.

"See you at the car wash, Maddie," he hummed.

"Yeah, see you then."


So sleepy yet so invested, please vote if you liked the chapter.

I'm so tired right now which I believe showed in this chapter but thanks for reading as always.

Till, tomorrow, folks.

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