20| Avoid Prince Charming

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Chapter 20: Avoid Prince Charming.

I'd never been to a beach house.

Like I said, I'm a social zombie.

Angie sat excitedly on my bed, helping me pack. "Okay, you'll need a bikini, perfume, bra, some nice shirts."

She proceeded to look through my closet for the stated items but all she could find were my grandma sweaters and grandpa shirts.

"Okayyy... I'll just borrow you some of mine," she said.

I sighed, packing some of my favourite books into the bag.

"What's that?" Angie asked.

"Novels. I've got to do something while I'm there, right?"

"Sure but it's just two days... You don't need all those books." She stared frightfully at the double stacks of all the books I'd packed.

"Fine." I divided one stack into half. "I'll take one quarter instead."

"Maddie, it's just two days."

Okay, maybe I couldn't read all those books during the weekend but I would need all the help I could get if I was going to survive living with Ashton sexy Malik.

"I'll miss you." I gave Angie a hug.

She laughed. "Don't get so mushy, it's just a weekend..."

"Don't let Alex into the top cupboard in the kitchen," I warned.

"Of course, your Highness." Angie snickered."I will never let anyone touch your sacred stack of Oreos."

"Speaking of Oreos, I should better stack up on those i–"

"Maddie! You'll be just fine." She said placing a hand on my shoulder. "Now, go get your guy."

"He's just a–"

"Friend?" Angie finished with an eye roll. "I wonder which book you read that from."


I sat casually in Ashton's place, waiting for him to finish packing as Justin gave a speech.

"We'll all miss you, Maddie. And just know that even if you go so far away, our hearts will forever be with you... Always and forever." He hummed, faking a tear.

"Umm, Justin... I'm not dying," I announced.

"Wish you were though." Alex chuckled.

"Jerk," I retorted

"You may not be dying in flesh, but your soul would waver," Justin spoke.

"What does that even mean Mr philosophical?" I asked.

"In layman's terms, you won't be the same after a weekend with Ashton, that's for sure." Alex grinned.

I laughed half-heartedly. "Yeah right..."

"So are you guys going to keep discussing about my effect or are we actually leaving." Ashton stood at the doorway, one hand in his Jean pocket, the other holding his backpack.

He looked so hot in a ‘I didn't prepare for this weekend but I can still snatch your girl’ way. His dark hair tousled, wearing a Nike t-shirt and a baseball cap, a watch swung over his left wrist as he grinned.

Oh, I like what I'm seeing and I don't like that.

"Come on, Maddie, let's go," he said.

I simply followed him to his car, a classic dark sports car. We both loaded our bags to the back, he seemed cold and distant than he'd been a while back, he ignored me like I wasn't even there which kinda hurt.

The car ride had been silent all the way, the only sound to relieve the awkwardness was that of music as he drove.


I was fully ready to be blown away once I saw the beach house. I'd seen Ashton's place and it was already clear they made a lot of money.

The place was beautiful, green, pink and blue flowers decorated the exterior, chandeliers and amazing statues hung everywhere in the house. My mouth was agape.

"Maddison, you made it." Karla walked to me with a wide arm, her expensive jewelry glittering with the light, giving her a radial glow.

She pulled me into a hug before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "I've been expecting you for days now, I'm so glad you made it... What would you like for dinner?"

I shrugged. "Anything would be nice."

I wasn't a picky eater, except when it came to Oreos. Oreos is life, kids.

"She's so modest, unlike you, Ash," Karla laughed.

I hadn't realised Ashton was still in the room, he nodded slowly at his mother's word, eyes fixed on the flat screen TV.

"Why don't you take her to her room, this weekend is going to be the best," Karla mumbled.

Ashton grabbed one of my backpacks, swinging it effortlessly over one shoulder as he made his way upstairs and I followed him.



The room was magnificent, bigger than anything I'd ever slept in for years. A TV hung on the wall beside a circular table and two hand crafted chairs, my eyes drifted to the large balcony beside my bedside, a direct view to the glimmering water.

The evening sun cast an amber glow on the beach as I stared, warming my face.

"Do you like it?"

I'd almost forgotten Ashton was here, I turned to him and for the first time in a while, his charisma was back.

"I love it," I answered.

He dropped my bag on the bed. "Well, if you need anything, you can call Jodie, she helps run the place. Or you can just call me." The way he said that last part sounded teasing, a way that made me warm.

"Where's your room?" I asked.

Ashton smiled, gesturing to the room directly opposite mine.

Oh no!

Oh no

Okay breath, Maddie. Breath. Starting today begins Operation avoid Prince charming (yes, I named it myself.)

Ashton's eyes were filtered with amusement seeing how flustered I was as he turned to the door.

"Get some rest, tomorrow's gonna be a long day."


Eeekk! We're there, we're finally at the beach house, let Operation Avoid Prince charming begin.

Any ideas what's going to happen?

This is kinda just a filler chapter for what's going to happen but if you enjoyed, please vote.

Love y'all.

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