I Lost My Phone

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I jump when I hear Liz scream right in my ear as I was looking down at the floor for my phone. (I lost it in the crowd during the Fall Out Boy concert and I was hoping to find it because my whole life was on that phone. Anyway, back to the screaming.)

"What the hell Liz?" I yell as I lift my head, only to have my jaw drop.

"Patrick Stump oh my god," Liz whispers to herself as if we were standing in the presence of God.

"Hey, what's going on?" Patrick asks while fiddling with the cap on his water bottle.

"I- I just lost my phone I think in here and I came back to get it 'cause like my whole life is on there and-" I stop when I realize I was rambling.

"Oh well you're in luck I think I might have it," He smiles.

"Really?" I ask, wondering how him of all people ended up with my phone.

"Yeah, I found it once everything cleared. It's back at the bus now. Want to come with me to get it?"

Before I could answer, Liz freaks and says, "Yeah!"

"Great, follow me," he says. He turns a bit but looks over his shoulder to nod to the guard that was following us. I was guessing that was a signal that he would take it from there. Before we start moving, he looks at us and asks, "So what are your names?"

"I'm Claire and that's Liz," I point in her direction.

"Nice to meet you two," He smiles sincerely before moving along.

We walk out the back door into a little parking lot and I see three to four buses but we walk to the one in the middle of them. There were gates around them with some fans standing around it, waiting for someone to come out I guess. They start screaming at the sight of Patrick but he just smiles and waves before leading us into the bus.

"'Trick you're back," I hear a familiar voice say as we step in. Of course, it was Pete Wentz. (just because I'm not a huge fan doesn't mean I can't know their names)

"Who do you got there Patrick?" I hear Joe Trohman ask from the other side of the trailor.

"That's Liz," he says pointing to Liz. I could tell she was about to faint. "And that's Claire. She lost her phone and I think I brought it back in here."

"Wow hey, nice to meet you guys," Pete says.

There was an awkward silence but that was just a perfect moment for me to get a good look around the room. I wasn't that far from the door and Liz was standing next to me, still ready to faint. Pete was laying across a couch with Joe standing next to him. Andy Hurley, was leaning against the little kitchen area to my left. Patrick was walking over to the table.

"Here," Patrick smiles, handing me the phone.

"Oh my god thank you so much," I sigh. "My whole life is on this thing, if I lost it I don't know what I would do."

"Hey, no problem," he smiles. It made my stomach churn just looking at his cute little face. I blink rapidly when I realize I was staring.

"Well, um... we should probably go..." I say awkardly, grabbing Liz's arm to prepare to drag her out the door.

"Why? You can stay here if you want," Pete says, sitting up on the edge of the couch.

"Yeah, we have extra pizza," Andy chirps while holding up two boxes from Pizza Hut.

"Really?" Liz almost whispers. I had a feeling this might not go so well.

"yeah, why not?" Joe shrugs.

"Come on over ladies," Pete smirks, "the party is just about to begin."

Liz and I walk over to the couch. I awkwardly sit on the edge but Liz sits all over it like she owns it. I guess I'm going to be the responsible one today.

I jump at the sound of music suddenly blasting from the stereo.

hey where's the drum?


o girl your'e shinin like a fifth avenue diamond

they don't make you like they used to, you're never going out of style

Everyone starts singing along having fun but I just decide to walk over to sit in a little chair in the corner. I scroll through my phone and tune out the loud music, trying to make my headache go away. I never was good at party scenes, that was always Liz. The only reason I go to them is because of her. I'd do anything to keep her as a friend. She's basically the only one who understands me as much as I do.

I keep messing around with my phone for another good 15 minutes or so. I finally look at the time and raise my eyebrows when it says 11:56 pm. Man it's been a long day. Are we ever going home?

My head starts to pound even more and I thought it was possibly a mixture of the loud music and staring too close to my bright screen. I look around the room as everyone's making a mess with the pizza. Since they were occupied, I decided to go outside for a minute to get away from the noise. When I step outside, there weren't anymore fans, they all just probably went home. I walk around and scope the scene. Seeing no one, I slide down the side of the bus till my butt hits the pavement. I close my eyes and let my head rest against the bus.

Time slowly passes and I start getting bored. All the Fall Out Boy songs we heard at the concert earlier that day were stuck in my head. I open my eyes, look around to see if the coast is clear. No one was around and I knew the music would be too loud for them to hear me so I began to sing.

Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds

It's all over now

before it has begun

we've already won

we are wild

we are like young volcanoes

we are wild

americana exotica

do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby yeah

come on make it easy

say I never mattered

run it up the flagpole

we will teach you how to make make boys next door out of assholes

I kept singing but not loud, just incase someone could hear me. I sang soft and slow, letting the lyrics sink in, giving it full meaning. I sort of felt a lump in my throat as I sang. Some lyrics reminded me of too much. I stopped before I could let my voice crack. I sigh and close my eyes again, but only to jerk them back open again when I hear,

"That was really good," Patrick says, stepping away from the door.

"Oh my god, I- I didn't.. how long were you standing there?" I stutter, freaking out that he actually was there hearing me sing.

"Long enough," he smiles, "You have a beautiful voice."

"Thanks, but I don't-"

"Yes you do, I'm serious."

I blush... pretty hard actually. Good thing it was dark out so he couldn't see it.

He walks over to me, sitting down next to me. Our shoulders were touching but he didn't move so I didn't either.

"So what are you doing out here?" He asks.

"I had a headache so I came out for some air. Why are you out here?"

"Noticed you were gone, came out to see if you were here."

I nod. no one has ever noticed me before.

Alrighty! that's chapter one! So I've already written a majority of this so I'll post it every now and then but I want to wait until I get enough reads... But please check out my other fanfictions on my page! Thanks!

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